Chapter 1: Part 4

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As she walked away Nicolas looked at her from behind and smirked "Nice ass" he laughed. She blushed "oh shut up!" she mumbled with her face all red she wasnt gonna let him seduce her but slowly she was falling for him. He looked up at the ceiling he was feeling strange like a tingly feeling "why? Why do I feel like I wanna seduce her? We just met yet I feel a strong attraction to her which was something i haven't felt in a long time not since I lost my dear Minnie should I take a chance with her?"

While Evangeline was gathering the ingredients she was also thinking about how attracted she is to Nicolas "I don't understand, I've never felt attracted to a man before. I've seen a lot of handsome men who were sick or trying to help their fathers or mothers yet I never felt attracted to them. So why him? Is it because he's different?" Evangeline went to make the potion but it seemed she was missing a special ingredient so she went back to Nicolas "Do you know if this ingredient grows around here Mister?" "Nicolas," he softly spoke "Call me Nicolas there's no need to be formal and to answer your question yes it does just out yonder by the barn"

Evangeline smiled "okay Nicolas um I'll be right back okay? Just don't get out of bed or do something reckless". He snorted "Reckless is my middle name, and beware of the barbwires they are there for a good reason little lady" he winks. Evangeline felt her face heat up and mumbled "Call me Evangeline and im not little" she went to go to get the ingredient with a blush on her face.

Brian facepalmed "Wow just wow Nic that was smooth you western romeo" he said sarcastically. "Aw is the big bad ghost rider jealous" he grinned "You'll find yourself a lady one day don't you worry" he snickered. Brian grumbled "I ain't jealous its all in your head". Nicolas busted out laughing "sure sure"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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