Chapter:2 First Day

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The girls have finally settled in the apartment and unpacked their belonging in an orderly manner.

Today is the first day of the new term at University of London which is ussually in September and both Christine and Chloe are really excited for what's to come. It's 6 am and Christine seems to be ready really early.

Christine's POV

''GET UP, CHLOE !!'', I yelled, she always made us late even during high school both my mom and dad had to wake her up (May they rest in peace),"I'M GOING TO LEAVE YOU HERE !!!''

She was really getting on my nerves. Today is the first day of the term and I didn't want to set a bad impression.

''OKAY !'', replied Chloe aggravated,'' Just because your only a year older than me doesn't mean you rule me, NUTCASE !!

''Just shut up, get out of bed, and get ready '' , I replied as if I just ignored what she said.

After two hours we were ready to go...well technically I was ready for a long time but Chloe seemed to dress for the runway. My outfit was pretty simple just a pair of boot cut jeans,V neck, and a black blazer. I straightened my hair,applied a tiny bit of foundation, and eyeliner.I am not the type of person who wears too much makeup.

On the other hand Christine wore a short sequined dress,loads of bling,and a ton of makeup. It's just a new term not a pre-prom event where she dresses so meticulously......

On the way to school,I drove today, We stopped at a Coffee shop called Costa for two medium Cappuccinos. My head was pounding from waking up too early so it was a real refresher.

15 minutes Later we reached campus. There were lots of people dressed really simple all heading to class. I said goodbye to my sister and I ran to meet Alexis.

It's the first day so I needed a friend. The Class started and Alexis and I got the nearest seat possible to the teacher.

I was taking a thermal science course by Professer Matthew Fergeson. He was tall and slim but also good-looking but not much to make me daydream.

LoL What's with my thoughts !!!! Got to focus in class Bye !

Chloe's POV

Chrisitine left me......I'm all alone in this huge campus I'm already 5 minutes late to my Design course. I really regret not making close friends.

Christine seems to be really close to Alexis for a pretty long time. I've never had any close friends I keep moving from one to another. I wonder if I'll be able to accomplish the standard of socialising with others.

On the way to the class my books fall...

A handsome boy comes to pick them up for me

"Oh ! These must be yours ,He gestures and raises a smirk,

"Doesn't this remind you of the first day in Secondary School ?"

I seem so nervous....he's so hands are shaking. " I'm soo sorry...really I am so so sorry." The boy raised his head and looked at me weirdly. He made me a bit nervous.
"What's your name ?" , I asked since I clearly don't have any friends.

"My name is Zayn Malik,22 years old,and second year design major.", he then asked

"What's your name ?"

Interesting I thought since we're in the same class.

"My name is Chloe Wilkinson,20 years old, and I'm also a design major but it's only my first year.....Maybe you could show me around ?"

"That's one fancy name and Fine no problem...Hun !", he replied very enthusiastically,"Well it's class right now so we should get going:Follow my lead ! "

So for a couple minutes while we headed to the class,we talked about our interests and what we want to do in the future. Zayn wanted to move to America after he finishes his course and I told him I was planning to open a Fashion Design business right here in London.

He seemed pretty chill and kind, he's hairs pretty long for any boy I've seen, and he's also very very good looking. After all the talking we reached our Graphic Design class which was being taught by Professor Carlin James, she was very nice but I could tell that once it gets to school work it gets rough.

"You can seat next to me...If you'd like." Zayn offered.

I accepted the offer and we sat beside each other.

There wasn't much people in the class only about 100 students, which is reasonable because graphic design isn't a huge course here at UOL.

So during class we were right beside each other goofing around but still paying attention if that makes sense.

He always gave me a cute smiles where he bit his tongue.

He's so cute....How many times have I said this ?

Class came to an end after 2 and a half hours. Zayn and I made a plan to meet each other at a dessert place called "Heavenly Desserts".

Then we just walked around and looked at the beautiful sceneries that surrounded UOL. Zayn then left and when I turned around I saw Christine.

Luckily she didn't see Zayn, I don't want her to know about my personal life. I get it we are sisters but We always get jealous of each other.

But I'll pray for her that she'll find that special someone.

Christine's POV

I saw Chloe looking really bubbly...I was so curious to whats going on.

I just came out of class but I also had to take three others. Chloe was done her classes so I came to take her home.

"What's going on.......", I asked hoping for a reply , " Did you meet a special someone ?"

She looked at me weirdly...well she always does...but this time it was a bit different.

"No,I was just admiring the beautiful scenery", she replied.

"Well if there's anything you can tell me, we are sisters after all." I assured her.

"Well, "I'll take you home,I have 3 other classes to take so I'll be back at 6 pm."

Chloe looked relived, "It's 1 pm right now...let's go eat some lunch at KFC."

''Let's go but fast !''

Chloe's POV

She seems to think I'm hiding something from her.. Well I am,but she's asking me too many questions that she knows I don't want to answer.

I just don't want my sister to have Zayn and

I'll do anything to make sure that she never knows about him.

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