Chapter:6 Invaded

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I decided NOT to do a Flashback on this chapter because it thought it would be a bit early. I'm also very sorry for not updating in a week..well here it is. Thanks for reading.

Zayn POV

Today's Saturday October 18,2015 and Chloe and I haven't exchanged phone numbers. Thank god because she might be a murderer. I have finally grown a fond interest in her but this news from Perrie has finally sunk in.

You may wonder why I should believe her and that she's psycho but I can't help it. Perrie may be peculiar but she has never lied to me. I will try to talk to Chloe and listen to her side of the story except we don't have contact information.

Anyways,setting that nonsense aside, I am inviting Harry over and I'll try to discuss this Chloe and Perrie Fiasco. I decided to not go to work today because I need a break and the customers at H&M are so damn arrogant, they'll treat you like trash. I'm thinking about quitting but for now I'm resting.

So it's now 4 pm and after taking a well relaxing bath. I heard a rather peculiar knock on the door.

I opened it to find my quirky friend Harry looking quite happy.

"Hey Zayn", Harry squealed enthusiastically. He was wearing shorts with a cardigan in the middle of October,wrapped his hair in a bun tied with a necklace,and he smelled like flowers. With his tall height it looked extremely weird. He sure should get some psychiatric help with Perrie. Just Kidding !

"How AMAZAYN to see my wonderful friend in so long ! Come on in Bro !" , I replied. Despite his weird ways. He was a good person to be around,creating a fun atmosphere.

He came into my apartment,already making himself comfortable,and began to watch the new episode of MasterChef Junior. I ran upstairs to change my clothes and he patiently waited.

I haven't seen him in weeks since I started UOL. We made dinner and we both agreed on lasagna. As we organised the meal till completion,Harry and I both sat on the table while eating our meal and began our chit chat.

"So Zayn, what have you been up to. I heard of you new girlfriend. What's her name again ? Oh ! Chloe ! I got in now !". I wonder who told him. Probably Niall or Perrie anyway I'm just gonna play it cool.

"She's not my girlfriend Hazz ! We're just friends. I won't move fast in this relationship.
You know what happened with Perrie. She wanted to have children with me. CHILDREN !" I shouted. I know it wasn't the right time but I just had to let my anger out.

"Chill dude ! I understand but I think your overreacting. It's no biggie." He assured.

If only he knew that I was interested in a murderer. If only he knew. I wonder if it's the right time to tell him. I don't want to ruin his mood. Well I'll tell him next time.

"I don't know Hazz. I don't want my newfound relationship to burn in flames. I will not let this happen." I spoke. I wonder why I'm being so emotional. Maybe it's because I'm finally moving on from the twisted relationship I had with Peculiar Perrie.

Harry didn't even reply. He just went to the kitchen and came back with two Red Bull.

"Here ! You need this." He demanded. We've been friends for so many years and he doesn't even know that I have a phobia of energy drinks. I heard people have died from drinking it.

"No !" I hesitated.

"Whatever then. Can we talk about something else ? Well let me tell you. I'm Moving in to your apartment. I'm so happy,but I hope you'll be happy for me." He said worrisome.

"Why wouldn't I be happy for you !" I replied enthusiastically."This is going to be soo exciting ! But what about Aunt Anne? What does she think about this ? What about the money ?"

"My mom ? Well she doesn't give 2 nuggets. She kicked me out now that I've earned money and my job at the pharmacy is sufficient enough for me to live a stable home."
He assured. I was over the moon ! We can visit each other and have a great time.
He can distract me from all the negative energy.

"Speaking of home,I've got to go and get packing. Good luck on this Perrie and Chloe thingy you've got going on. Call me anytime." He said.

I put the plates in the dishwasher. And we both decided to walk out to the lobby,it was already 9pm. I've been stuck in the house all day and I needed a breath of fresh air.

Harry said goodbye as he entered his Range Rover. As he turned out to the exit.
I decided to just sit on the bench and think about my future love plans.
I heard a trickling of the dark green bushes and I thought it was the wind,which left shivers down my spine,so I just ignored it.

The next thing I knew is I'm being pepper sprayed and blindfolded by a person I can obviously not even see. I tried to scream for help but he/she already had already tied my mouth. I was unstable and tried to attack but the kidnapper abruptly began to transport me in a vehicle.

(I felt so stupid and dumb. I'm such a nice person who the hell would do this to me.)

As the person carried me into the backseat. He/she began to start the car and we were already on the road. The pain from the pepper spray was excruciating.

"I hate you so much ! Your utterly disgusting !" I shouted. I didn't even know who it was and I already hated him/her.

But all I can do was feel

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