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They arrived at the ice cream place, all 3 of them were silent. Until, Norman broke it..

"Guys, c'mon. Stop being so dramatic and angry and tell me what you wanna eat. I brought some money with me." Norman walked in front of the two and grabbed his wallet from his backpack, he had around 30 dollars from different times he was supposed to buy lunch but couldn't. It was more than enough!

"I'll take a.. strawberry and red velvet mix please" Emma said said with a sympathetic smile. "I'll just take plain chocolate please." Ray added on, keeping his face serious. "Sure okay, pick a table guys! I'll be right back!"

Emma and Ray then sat at a table, Emma pulled out her phone and began to message her father Yuugo.

Emma: Hey dad

Yuugo: Wut

Emma: We arent going to school today

Yuugo: Why the fuck not

Emma: We got pulled over by a perverted cop and we're too late 

Emma: They wont let us in 

Yuugo: why the fuck were u idiots pulled over

Emma: I was driving

Yuugo: Oh

Emma: Yeahhhhhhh

Yuugo: Just be careful love u emma i'll tell lucas

Emma: k bye love u too dad

She then shut her phone off. "Who were you messaging?" Ray asked with an annoying look. "Wouldn't you like to know.." 

"Yeah that's why I asked." She hated when he gave her those smart ass answers, she didn't reply. She was too angry and lost in thought. She heard Ray tsk, that made her even angrier. She couldn't believe him! Forcing her to drive, making out with her, then blaming everything that happened on her! She felt like ripping the hair out of his head. "Fuck you.." She said under her breath, but he heard it. The line was kinda long for ice cream, a bit absurd honestly.

"Listen Emma, about earlier and.. everything, i'm sorry." Ray put his head down in shame, wow, he was apologizing. "It's okay I guess.. i'm sorry too. Let's move on and forget it never happened." 

"I don't want to pretend it never happened though, Emma, I wanna talk about it."

"Ray.. we're in an ice cream shop. Just stop. You're right, let's just get over it." Emma said looking down at the table playing with her fingers, she was too ashamed to look at him in the eyes. He forgot he had said that, he obviously regrets it. God, he's such an idiot. "Hey guys! I'm back- ohh wow.. who turned the color grey" Norman said sitting down and handing his friends their ice cream, Norman got Cotton candy and Vanilla.

"I dunno.. let's eat!" Emma said, returning to her happy self again and stuffing her face with ice cream. Norman and Ray couldn't tell if it was fake or not, but they were happy either way. They began to eat their ice creams as well.

"Ahh, so good.. after this we should all head to Emma's place or something." Ray suggested. "Oh uhm, yeah sure!" Emma replied with a nervous giggle.

"Sounds fun!!" Norman said, eating his ice cream faster now. Emma's parents were at work, and Norman and Ray's parents definitely heard of the 'accident' from her dads. Norman would obviously be forced home.. what was Ray trying to pull.

They finished their ice cream and headed for Emma's house, they soon arrived and got in the elevator. "Aw dang it.. I got a text from my mom, I gotta go guys! Emma just hang out with Ray, try to make up, okay guys?" Norman began to bolt out of the elevator as soon as it opened. "Yeah!" Emma yelled waving at Norman.

"Let's go.." Emma led Ray to her apartment, once they got inside she locked the door. "Now, what are you planning?" Emma asked Ray with an annoyed expression. "What do you mean??" Ray said with a dorky smile. "Ray! Come on, just spill it out!" They began to walk towards the huge window that shows Gilda's apartment building and room which also has a huge window of its own.

Emma slouched and leaned onto the window, crossed her arms, and started making a pouting face. "I wanted to talk about.. before. Listen, i'm sorry for blaming everything on you. I was just nervous, and about what we did.. I didn't mean what I said.. I really enjoyed it, not in a creepy way.. and I was kinda hoping that we could, y'know..."

Emma began to blush. "Do it again..?" Ray began leaning towards Emma as she said that. "Yeah.." He put his hand on the right side of her against the window, realizing they were extremely close. 'God, this day couldn't get any better, could it?' They both thought. Ray leaned in and kissed her gently, the kiss getting rougher as time goes by. 

He slowly led his tongue into her mouth, and hers doing the same. Ray went down to Emma's neck as she held him close. 

At Gildas apartment~

"So, you want to be an assistant shopper? I definitely have somebody that can hook you up with a part time job. It will help you train." Oliver said walking it, Don and Gilda following behind him. "Yeah, thanks for helping me by the way!" Gilda said excitingly. "A friend of Emma's is a friend of mine, hey, you got anything to eat here?" He asked.

"Yeah in the fridge" Gilda pointed at the fridge and Oliver made his way over. Don had already made himself comfortable and at home on the couch with chips. "Hey Gilda, I came over here to pick up the newspapers I gave you. I didn't realize they were my dads!" Norman said busting the door open. The newspapers he gave her were full of part-time jobs looking for hire.

"Over there by the counter" Gilda said, setting her purse on the table. "Holy.. HOLY SHIT!" Norman yelled, as he saw his best friend stripping his other best friend of their clothes. He kept his eyes locked on the window. The others looked at where he was staring and were in complete shock.

They saw their two friends.. with only pants and a bra.. making out.. against a window. I mean, at least there were still pants. 

"Wha-.. No... NO?!" Oliver began to yell as he got closer to the window. His face in complete shock and disbelief. "NO.. NAH AH.. GET OFF MY SISTER!!!!" Oliver began to sprint over to his house, this wasn't gonna be good.


Night and Day (Ray x Emma Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz