6 <3

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Oliver began dialing their father Yuugo, Emma tried to get the phone out of his hand but Oliver was much taller than she was. "Oliver, I don't think this is necessary-" Ray was then cut off. "Oh shut your trap emo boy!"

'Emo boy', he hated that nickname. Yuugo then answered the phone. "Hello? Oliver what's wrong, did you skip school again? Do I have to come the office again? God Oliver."

"No dad, not this time... uhm.." Oliver looked at his sister as she mouthed the word 'please' and shook her head. He looked at her with a sympathetic look. "Sorry dad, I called you be-.. uhm, by accident." Emma was pleased, and Ray was relieved, but Yuugo wasn't buying it. "I'm coming over there right now, are you home? You don't just call people by accident! Are you at school? What ever, i'll use the life360 I have." Yuugo then hung up.

He supposedly has it on Oliver but not Emma since he trusts her so much. Emma went up and hugged her older brother. "Thank you." She said, "Dude, thanks, and uhm.. sorry for, you know." Ray got up and walked over next to Emma. 

"I mean.. I guess, maybe this isn't a bad thing. I mean it's my sister and my childhood friend.." Oliver paused for a moment. "My.. my sister and my childhood friend. Aww my SISTER and my CHILDHOOD FRIEND!" He hugged both of them and they both blushed, then hugged him back. Norman just sat there looking at them, the others walking towards them. 

/g means Gilda /d means Don

"When did you guys start dating?" /d

"When are you gonna propose?" /g

"Oh my gosh! I have the perfect wedding gift!" /d

"Do you have baby names yet?" /g

"Oh I hope it's a girl!' /d

"Guys! Guys! That's a little too far.. we haven't even started dating yet!" Emma said flailing her arms everywhere. "No babies until age 50." Oliver said looking at Ray. "Y-yeah" Ray said intimidated by Oliver, slightly covering his face. Norman then proceeded to stand up "I'm gonna go home now, bye guys." 

Fast forward. To sum it up, everybody went home, Yuugo got there, and just thought that Oliver got in trouble and didn't think much about it. It is now 10:00 PM at night, everybody is at home in bed, either sleeping or doing something. Except for one person..

"I didn't think it would bother me this much.."Norman said, talking to himself as he sat on the toilet and remembered everything that happened that day. (#relatable ig)

He covered his eyes with his hands. "When I was 6.. I had a massive crush on Emma. It never really went away.. I didn't even think about it that much. When we were thirteen.. it kinda sprung back up again too. I always wanted Ray to get with Emma.. but now that it's happened, I don't know how to feel about it." 

"I never thought i'd be this jealous of my best friend, I wanted it to happen, I thought I would be happy for them." 

His mind started wandering towards his memories with both of them. Those sweet, beautiful memories of the old days.

Emma was laying her head on Normans lap as he stroked her hair, she was fast asleep. Ray was leaning on Normans shoulder, almost dozing off. Norman had his head on Rays, as they sat in Rays living room. They were all 10 at the time, Emma had her left hand on Rays lap as he held it firmly trying not to sleep as the Disney movie continued to play.

They sat on a blanket right in front of the couch, it was more comfortable that way. They were all having a sleep over, it was around 1:00 AM, Ray's parents were fast asleep. The movie was about half way through, this was their 3rd movie on their first night of the sleep over. The only noise in the room was the TV, until Ray interrupted it. "I love you guys" he whispered softly, Emma opened her eyes a little "I love you guys too.." She said then went back to sleep. "Yeah.. you guys are awesome." Norman said tilting his head back onto the couch.

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