Chapter 3: Episode 3

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Chapter 3: Episode 3

*At Nozaki and Sakura's wedding*

Nozaki: Say, what's the point of the ring?

Sakura: It symbolizes that you're my husband and I'm your wife.

Nozaki: Oh.

*Mayu interrupts them*

Mayu: Excuse me, but where's the best place to host a wedding in this park?

Sakura: Mayu, are you getting married too!? To who?

Mayu: Hahah no. This is Nozaki-Kun's wedding.

Nozaki: Right.

Mayu: I was just wondering what kind of place we should have the wedding.

Mikoshiba: How about by that cherry blossom tree?

Nozaki: A good place for our first wedding I suppose.

Sakura: Yes, let's do that! Everyone gather around!

*Everyone goes to the designated cherry blossom tree*

Sakura: Okay, Nozaki-Kun, repeat after me.

Nozaki: I, Nozaki-Kun, do declare that I hereto do take you, Sakura Sama, to be my lawful wedded wife, for alifetime or until death do us part.

Sakura: And do you, Sakura Sama, do declare that you hereto do take Nozaki-Kun, to be your lawful wedded husband, for alifetime or until death do us part.

Nozaki: (giggle) That was easy.

Sakura: The first part was easy, the second part was harder.

Nozaki: Where shall we honeymoon?

Sakura: Hmm, well there's always my house.

Nozaki: Are you sure that'd be a good idea? I mean your father might not like me there.

Sakura: Oh, you'll be fine. I'll just say that you're my boyfriend and he won't care.

Nozaki: Aw.

Sakura: Now, follow me Nozaki-Kun.

Nozaki: Honey, I think you've got a problem.

Sakura: What?

Nozaki: You just said you have a boyfriend.

Sakura: Oh. Well we're not dating Nozaki-Kun! We're married!

Nozaki: I know that... I meant are you sure your dad won't flip his lid when he finds out I'm married to his daughter?

Sakura: Daaaad!

Dad: (ominous voice) Sakura Sama?

Sakura: I got married!

Dad: (ominous voice) YOU Got married?

Sakura: To Nozaki-Kun!

Dad: (ominous voice) To Nozaki-Kun?

Sakura: Yes! Isn't he wonderful?

Dad: (ominous voice) Yes, he's wonderful. He's also here for you.

Sakura: For me?

Dad: (ominous voice) Yes, now I want to talk with Nozaki-Kun and you. Come Nozaki-Kun, we need to talk privately.

Nozaki: Sure thing. I'll be back later honey.

Sakura: Later Nozaki-Kun.

Nozaki: You can wait here and we'll meet up later, okay?

Sakura: Okay. I'm so glad everything worked out!

Nozaki: Me too. I really, really like you Sakura Sama.

Sakura: Well, I like you too Nozaki-Kun. That's why I married you.

Nozaki: (giggle) Really?

Sakura: Yes, really!

Nozaki: (hug) Aw. Thanks honey.

Sakura: You're welcome.

Nozaki: I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be my wife?

Sakura: (giggle) Yes.

Nozaki: Good, because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Sakura: Yay! Now come on, we need to talk with my father.

Nozaki: Yeah, but first I want to show you something. Follow me.

Nozaki takes Sakura away from the wedding guests and towards the exit of the park.

Nozaki: Come on.

Sakura: (giggle) Sure.

Nozaki: (hug) Thank you so much.

Sakura: For what?

Nozaki: For marrying me.

Sakura: It's my honor.

Nozaki: I'm sure it is, but thank your father too.

Sakura: (giggle) You're very welcome.

Nozaki takes her hand and the pair of them exit the park into the streets of the city.

*Nozaki and Chiyo go to talk to Chiyo's dad*

Nozaki: Hello, are you Mr. Sakura?

Dad: (ominous voice) Yes, I am. And who are you?

Nozaki: My name is Nozaki. I'm happy to meet you.

Dad: (ominous voice) Nozaki... That name sound familiar...

Nozaki: It's from my wife's hometown.

Dad: Ah, yes. I believe my daughter has spoken of you.

Nozaki: She has?

Dad: Yes, she has. In fact, she's spoken highly of you.

Nozaki: Why don't you have a seat Nozaki-Kun?

Nozaki motions to the couch and the pair of them sit down.

Dad: Now, I assume you're here because my daughter is getting married soon.

Nozaki: Yes, she is.

Dad: Have you set a date yet?

Nozaki: 3 hours ago.

Dad: (smile) That was fast.

Nozaki: Yes, it was.

Dad: So, you like my daughter?

Nozaki: Very much.

Dad: Good.

Nozaki-kun and Chiyo Marry?!?!?! Twice??? *NOT CLICKBAIT*Where stories live. Discover now