Chapter 5: Episode 5

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*At school*

Everyone arrives except Edgeworth, who is apparently already here. I imagine he's in his English class.

Nozaki: Mikoshiba, care to explain why the British guy that interviewed you was stalking us?

Mikoshiba: Uh... Yeah.

Mikoshiba explains how he found out the British guy was spying on them for sneak peeks of the next chapter of Let's Fall in Love.

Sakura: Oh, so he's just a fan of Nozaki-Kun's manga?

Mikoshiba: (Sigh) He's not just a fan, he's also the owner of the only bookstore in town that still sells new copies of Nojima's works.

Mayu: Who is Nojima...? You were talking about him before the wedding too.

Nozaki: He's a famous manga writer in Japan. His works are super popular. People compare him to Shakespeare.

Sakura: No way! I've never even heard of such a person.

Nozaki: Yeah, they're pretty obscure. Trust me, if Nojima were American, you'd know his works all too well.

Sakura: Nozaki, we live in Japan. Japan is filled with tons of popular authors.

Nozaki: You'd be surprised at the kinds of people who write pure love stories without any romance, violence or even characters with any kind of personality.

Mikoshiba: Are you roasting yourself?

Nozaki: What? Nah. Anyways, let's just forget the whole stalking thing ever happened. What are you guys doing after school?

Mikoshiba: I... Don't know.

Sakura: We don't have anything planned.

Nozaki: Why don't the two of you go on a date?

Sakura: Uhh Nozaki, who are you referring to?

Nozaki: Well, obviously not you, Chiyo. You're already married to me.

Mikoshiba: No... I mean... I don't want to go on a date with anyone.

Mayu: Same here, I'm busy tonight.

Nozaki: Bah, don't give me that. Y'know those two would go together.

Mikoshiba: I don't want to go out with Mayu!

Nozaki: ... You must be talking about the love of your life.

Mikoshiba: I'm not in love with Mayu!

Nozaki: Oh come on! How can you not be in love with that face?

Mikoshiba: No! It's just that Mayu is a nice person and we get along well, but I'm not interested in him in that way!

Nozaki: Hah! Bull... uh, excuse me.

Nozaki: Chiyo, can we discuss this for a sec? I need to talk to you about something and it's really important.

Sakura: O-okay.

Nozaki: (Sigh) Great. I'm glad you're understanding, just give me a sec. Now then, since you won't go on a date with Mayu, I was thinking that maybe Yumeko would go out with you.

Mikoshiba: Wha...! No! I don't want to date Yumeko!

Nozaki: Why not? She's single and ready to go!

Mikoshiba: (Sigh) No, no wait! Don't get me wrong, Yumeko is a nice girl and all, but she's just so boring! She does nothing all day except play games all night and sleep.

Sakura: Nozaki, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?

Nozaki: Huh? Oh. Right. (Sigh) Okay, here's the deal.

Nozaki-kun and Chiyo Marry?!?!?! Twice??? *NOT CLICKBAIT*Where stories live. Discover now