Chapter 4: Episode 4

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*The next day, Chiyo, Nozaki, Mikoshiba, and Mayu are at school*

Mikoshiba: So, this is going to be on the news huh?

Nozaki: Yep. My marriage to Chiyo will be in all the town papers.

Mikoshiba: I didn't know you were a celebrity in this town.

Nozaki: I'm not, but Chiyo is.

Mikoshiba: Huh?

Sakura: I got in trouble for wrestling a bear last year and still got in the paper!

Nozaki: That's because you're famous Nozaki-Kun.

Mikoshiba: You giving yourself a pep talk there, pal?

Nozaki: Anyway, the reason I'm famous is because I was framed and thrown in jail for attempted robbery!

Mikoshiba: What?!

Mayu: You were framed?!

Nozaki: Yeah, I was trying to get inspiration for my manga

Kashima: Oh.. That's uhh... Anyways, what's up!

Nozaki: We're getting married, that's what's up.

Kashima: What?

Nozaki: Yeah. I married Chiyo.

Kashima: When?!

Nozaki: Yesterday.

Kashima: You got married and didn't invite me?!

Nozaki: You knew about it?

Hori: Kashima, calm down, you WERE invited. You were there.

Kashima: That wasn't for drama club?

Hori: No, that was for real!

Kashima: (sigh) Whatever.

Nozaki: I guess you weren't as easy to invite as I thought.

Kashima: Yeah, sorry about that ahaha

Nozaki: We're going to have to be heading to class soon.

Kashima: I know the drill. You go ahead Nozaki-Kun.

Nozaki: Okay. You hurry up and I'll see you guys tonight.

Nozaki and Chiyo walk off to class.

Nozaki: I don't know why I'm bothering going to class. It's pointless anyway. I could be working on my manga instead.

Sakura: H-huh!? But school is important!

Nozaki: Not as important as working on my manga.

Sakura: Wow Nozaki, you're really dedicated!

Nozaki: If it was possible, I'd be chained to my desk.

Sakura: W-what? Nozaki, what are you talking abo...

Nozaki: C'mon, I'll show you. Follow me.

Nozaki takes Sakura to his room.

*Mikoshiba and Mayu tag along too*

Nozaki's Room

Nozaki opens up his desk and starts pulling out papers and his inkwell.

Nozaki: Here, take this.

Sakura: Huh? Okie dokie Nozaki-Kun.

Nozaki: Oh, yeah.

Nozaki dips his brush into his inkwell and starts drawing on the backs of the papers. These get wild colors and violent lines.

Nozaki-kun and Chiyo Marry?!?!?! Twice??? *NOT CLICKBAIT*Where stories live. Discover now