Chapter 5

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Prince Charles P.O.V: 

I can't believe my father is actually gone. It isn't much of a shock as he was nearing the age of 100 but I will truly miss him. 

I wonder how poor Biden is doing. Or if he even knows I should probably give him a call. I pull out my blackberry from 1939 because I hate modern technology I think it is quite useless. I dial his number and he picks up.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Greetings from the U.K this is Prince Charles speaking," I say respectfully.

"I know who you are dick why  are you calling me?" He replies rudely and I find myself getting quite offended and realize I can fuck up his campaign for president.

"I know about you and my father and to tell you he is on his death bed and only has two days left to live I would hurry and get here if I were you," I tell him 

"I can't I have to worry about my campaign tell your father that I love him and appreciated our time together," He tells me

"That's a shame the only thing I will be telling my father is the only reason you didn't come to London is that you hated him and don't care less about his death," I reply and hang up smirking. 

Now I have to call Trump and tell him too. I dial his number.

"'Ello?" He answers the phone.

"Trump hello it is me, Prince Charles," I tell him, unlike Biden I have much respect for Trump. 

"Ah, yes hello Charles how have you been?" He asks

"It's been a rough time Donald I am not going to lie how are things with you and Malania?" I ask him hoping they have divorced she isn't any good for him. 

"She started screaming when I was belting her and the cops were called but at least she lied so they think nothing is wrong and my election shouldn't be ruined," He tells me

"Yes the same thing happened with Diana, why do you think we got her killed. In other news, though I think you might want to come down to London my father has very limited days left and has been requesting you," I tell him, again I have a lot of respect for Trump but not enough to keep his campaign running smoothly.

"Right yes well I will be on my way," He tells me sounding worried. 

Well at least the campaign is ruined and so are their reputations 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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