Chapter 1

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The music was pounding at the party we were currently at. I was still amazed that the house didn't crumble due to the vibrations from the speakers. I knew my eardrums were on the verge of doing just that. "Ginger!"

I groaned internally as my name was called out. I hated my name. And it wasn't some nickname I picked up, no. My name is actually Ginger. What a name to have and if that wasn't bad enough I actually had red hair. And whenever anyone called me nearly every head in the room would turn to see who this girl was with the weird name and then they'd snicker, seeing a redhead with Ginger for a name.

I turned to look for the source of where my name was being called from. I spotted my best friend Perrie over by the keg. She waved me over to her, there was a sparkle of excitement in her blue eyes. I elbowed my way over to her, sometimes having to literally push people as they tried to grab my hips. I barely made it over to her when she grabbed me by my forearm and pulled me into a corner.

"Ow! What's the matter?" I ask pulling my arm away from her grip and rubbing the slighty sore area where her nails accidently marred my skin. "Oh my God! You will not believe what just happened to me!" She gushed in her Geordie accent. I looked at her expecting her to fill me in on what had just hapened to her, but she was looking over my shoulder.

I followed her line of vision and spotted a group of five tall boys, with the exception of a blonde boy who was a couple of inches shorter than the tallest boy who had dark chocolate, curly hair. One of the boys from the group was looking intently at us, or more so at Perrie. He had dark brown hair that was almost black, in a quiff and the sparkliest brown eyes I'd ever seen in my life. If there was a definition of sexy, he'd be it.

His forearms were covered in tattoos of random things that I couldn't make sense of. They held each others eyes for a few seconds more before the rest of the group of boys turned to see what their friend was looking at.

I quickly looked away and turned around, bocking Perrie from sight. "Perrie, what's going on?" I ask, annoyed. "Did you see the boy with black hair?" I nod my head in confirmation, "Well his name is Zayn, and he wants me to go to a different house party with him and his friends. Before you say anything, please, please, please Ginger! It's not often I get a sex god after me." She says quickly.

I scoff, Perrie is actually one of the most gorgeous girls at our school, with her blonde wavy locks, big blue eyes, her tall, thin body and pale skin to die for, although not as pale as my Irish skin.

And she knew it too. "Okay so I do get some fit guys, but I actually like Zayn!" she cries.

I sighed, I wasn't one for partying, since I'm anti-social most of the time, and the only reason I came with her tonight is because I had a five page essay to write and I wasn't in the mood. But now she was pushing her luck.

"Perrie, I don't really-" She cut me off quickly, "Oh you won't regret it, Ginger! Pleaaaasse!" She begs. "Oh fine! But please stop talking in that little girl voice." I scowl at her. "But-Wait did you just agree?! Oh my God! Thank you, thank you!" She squeals, bringing me into a neck breaking embrace.

"Perrie! Can't...breath!" I wheeze out. She lets go of me and takes my hand. She pulls us through the sea of bodies and towards the group of boys, who were Zayn's friends I assumed.

"So you guys are coming?" the one with the quiff, Zayn, says in a different accent to Perrie's. "Yup, now come on before she changes her mind." She smiles at me. I glare at her and they all break out laughing, while my cheeks flush pink.

"She seems a little feisty," the tall boy says in a deep raspy voice. He steps towards me and leans in close to my ear, "I like that," he whispers before pulling back and smirks at me. I give him a look of disgust, which just causes him to chuckle and grab my forearm, pulling me away from Perrie, and into his side. "I'll take this one with me." he announces, glancing down at me. I give her a look of panic, "Relax!" she mouths at me. Oh I'll relax all right, when I have her in a hospital bed, with my boot stuck up her arse. "Let's go then." Zayn says wrapping an arm around Perrie's waist and guiding her to the door. The tall curly haired guy entwins our fingers and follows suit. I take a deep breath and unwillingly follow Curly my eyes trained on the back of his head and out into the outside world, not realising how much this night would change my life.

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