Chapter 6

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"Open up you bastard!" I roar at the door. There's no movement on the other side. My vision was becoming red and my chest was tightening with anger and fear. I move back a few steps and run at the door. My boot comes in contact with the piece of wood and swings open. What I see before me will haunt me forever. "Mum?" I whisper. 


I stood in the doorway looking at the mess before me. All the wardobes and cabinets were broken from some sort of impact. I was guessing my mum. The floor was littered with clothes, broken bottles of perfume and alcohol and ashes from cigarettes. I look over in the corner and see my mum curled up into a ball, sobbing. "Mum?" I whisper and walk over to her. I bend down and touch her shoulder. She recoils further into herself. "Mum, what happened?" I ask softly, my heart pounding in my chest.

My mum turns her face towards me and I gasp at what I see. She has two black eyes, a big gash above her right eyebrow,  a hand print across her left cheek and her arms are cover in hand marks. "Mum, what happened?" I say more urgently. She tries to speak but all that comes out are groans. "Mum, turn your head." I instruct, moving closer to inspect the damage. "Oh mum..." I trail off, seeing the odd angle her jaw was in. She'd broken her jaw for sure. "Did that bastard do this to you?".

Before she can answer Gemma comes running in. "Harry! Quick, he's coming!" Before any of us could move, the bastard that was my father stumbled in holding a bottle of beer in his hand. I could see from the cuts in his knuckles that he had inflicted the bruises on my mums body. I wasn't surprised, it wasn't the first time he'd done it. "You guys get out!" he slurs at me and Gemma. He started unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down. Gemma and I stood there frozen until I realised what he was going to do. 

I moved in front of him and pushed him backwards. He stumbled a little but didn't fall. "You little bastard! Get out of my way! I've got some business to deal with," he says still unbuckling his pants. Something inside me snapped all of a sudden and all those years of anger came at me like a tidal wave. "No you fucking don't." I growl between gritted teeth. He looks up at me, and a sickening smirk spreads across his horrible face. "Oh, tough guy are we now?" he sneers at me. I stand up straighter. 

I am shocked that I am nearly the same height as him. I was so used to being smaller than him and not being able to stop him. But now, now I was going to make him sorry for everytime he hurt my mum and sister. "No one has to be tough to stand up to you. You're just a bully." I spit angrily at him. His eyes widen for a second, shocked that I would speak to him that way. But they quickly turn into slits. "You cheeky brat," he says, bringing his right fist back and swings at me.

I duck quickly and swing a left hook into his ribs. He drops the bottle of beer, which smashes into a million pieces. He roars and charges at me. He slams into me, both of us falling into the broken glass and rolling around, beating each other. I could hear Gemma screaming and my mum sobbing, but I was driven by rage and anger and couldn't care less what was going on around me.

I was vaguely aware of Gemma running out of the room at some point. I was on top of my dad, my fists constantly coming in contact with his face. I was starting to think he was unconscious, but I kept going, all those years of anger coming out through my fists. 

I felt four pairs of hands on me all of a sudden and I was being pulled off my dad. My fists were covered in blood and my dads face was messed up. "Calm down lad! Calm down!" I turned to look at the two police men who must've pulled me off my dad. I thrashed in their grip, but the officer just kept saying, "Calm down lad!". I could feel the fight and adrenaline draining from my body. I felt all the gashes where the glass penetrated my skin.  My body went limp and the officers lifted me out to the living room where a stretcher was waiting for me.

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