Chapter 3

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I feel a cool breeze wash over me all of a sudden. I open my eyes a little to see what's going on. I see Harry at my side of the car, unbuckling me. I must've fallen asleep again. "Harry?" I mumble. "Shh, you can stay asleep. I'll carry you in." He whispers. "Where are we?" I ask, looking around and seeing a few familiar things, but none of them would register in my drunken mind. 

I feel Harry's warm arms beneath me,  lifting me up off the seat and cradling me into him. "We're in your neighbour hood. What's your number?" He asks. "Number 3." I say automatically. He kicks the car door close and locks it, before walking down the street to where I presume my house is. 

We stop outside a red-brick building, with bay windows and a big red wooden door. The garden is full to the brim with dying flowers and the lawn covered in golden leaves. Signs that Autumn was coming to an end and that Winter would be here soon. The medium sized garden was fenced off with a cute white little fence and there was a red Golf parked in the driveway. 

"Nice house," Harry whistles. He sets me down for a few minutes to open the gate. He unties the green rope, keeping the gates shut, before swinging them open. He picks me up again and carries me bridal styles, up to the red door. He uses his elbow to ring the door bell.

My mother comes rushing out unlocking the door and swinging it wide open. Her eyes widen at the sight of Harry, but then they widen even more when they land on me. "Oh Ginger," she tuts, shaking her head at the state I'm in. "Sorry *hiccup* mom," I smile at her, giggling at my own hiccup. "Will I bring her up to her room, Mrs. Brown?" Harry asks my mothers permission, a small smile playing on his lips. 

I can see my mother beginning to object, before realising she won't be able to complete the task herself, and nods at him. "If you wouldn't mind please, um...what's your name?" My mother smiles at Harry. Harry cradles me in his left arm, extending his right hand out towards my mother. "Harry. Harry Styles." He smiles his dimpled smile at her. My mother seems a bit dazed, shaking Harry's hand for a little longer than was necessary.

I clear my throat, interrupting the moment. My mother withdraws her hand from Harry's, "Right, um, well, her room is up the stairs and to the first door on your right." She states, looking a little flustered.  "Thanks," Harry mumbles before taking off up the stairs. We reach the top and he turns to his right. "Well I'd be amazed if anyone missed your door." He chuckles.

My door was painted black with silver and purple coloured designs on it, and my name spray painted onto the front in purple. "Shut up," I mumble, not in the mood. He pushes down the handle and pushes the door wide. He feels around for the light switch, before his fingers find it and flicking it on, illuminating my room. 

The theme of my bedroom was purple, black and white. (Pic at side!) They were the only colours that went with my fiery red hair and pale complexion. "Nice room,"  Harry comments before putting me down on my twin sized bed. I throw off my big purple pillow, pulling back the sheets getting under the covers. I feel two large hands wrap around my ankles pulling me back towards Harry.

"Not so fast," he whispers, "You can't sleep in your clothes." My cheeks flush at the thoughts of Harry stripping me. "I'll be alright-" I get cut off by Harry dropping down on his knees in front of me. He unlaces my black Converse, throwing them to the side, moving up my legs. He comes to my belt and swiftly unbuckles it. The way he does it tells me he's done this a few times before. He pops open my button before zipping down the fly. 

I'm frozen to the spot, he's actions shocking me. I've never met anyone as straight forward as Harry. He begins to pull off my black skinny jeans, before I quickly grab his hands to prevent him from going any further. I wince slighty as my knuckle rubs off the bandage. "Harry, stop." I say firmly. He look up at me, his green eyes seem darker than before. "Pass me those clothes at the end of the bed." I tell him. He grabs the clothes and hands them to me. "Thanks," I mumble.

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