Sims 4 paradise

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Still eating lasagna.

Sanji has had a crush on his buddy for a very long time. So he does what any young adult in love would do: Make themselves in Sims 4 and get yourself in a relationship with your crush and have a child or 2.

Now cut to Zoro who wanted to check something on the internet but his phone is on 0% battery so he goes onto Sanji's pc (who is right now in the bathroom) and opened it to a game his buddy was apparently playing. He was about to press alt+tab to get onto Google but something caught his attention. That sim looks like Sanji. And that one looks like himself! Well, that's weird... Wait. Why are they both going to the same bed? And why are they... TRYING FOR A BABY??!

Low-key, Sims 4 gives me Adventure Times vibes from the episode in which Flinn receives mini them and then controls everyone in his favor... More or less...

Shout-out to SchizoPlayerZS on Twitter, they post Sims 4 Zosan content. They are mostly 18+...

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