Author Is Sorry

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Hi guys. Sorry I haven't posted yet. I was supposed to make and post the chapter today but literally after I woke up. I had to do my laundry then my sister wouldn't let me rest and made me do the dogs (we have 2).

Then after that, I had to put my laundry (which is A LOT because I didn't do my laundry for a month, considering how big the basket was for my dirty clothes) outside.

THEN, I had to prepare the breakfast/Lunch because it was already 12 PM.

And then AFTER THAT, I had to clean my room, get the bed covers and pillow cover out and replace them.

Then, I had to bring ALL my clothes back inside and fold them, put them in the drawers, the cabinet and the closet. Making me lose another 2 hours.

AFTER that, I made a YouTube video because it's my favorite youtuber's birthday (TommyInnit), and it took me like- 3 hours (?)

By that time I forgot about this book, but when I did remember it, it was already 5 PM MEANING, it was time to do the dogs again.

After the dogs, I was supposed to water the plants (inside and outside the house) after I did that it was already dark.

I was about to go in when my mother told me to do something else, I was so tired and just did as told. When I went back inside it was already maybe 7-7:30 PM.

I  just took a nice cold shower and changed my clothes before going to my room and relax.

I was JUST about to open Wattpad when my father called me to eat. I groaned in frustration and just ate silently.

After that, I had to stay for a while bit cuz my parents would be suspicious why I went to bed after I ate.

So I stayed there for a whole 2 hours. And then I went to bed.

It's 10:36 PM right now...and I just want to say: I'm sorry for not posting.

I hopefully will post this week, but not also at all possible because I was zoom classes that start at 9 AM but I have to wake up at 5:30 to close all the lights and 7:15 to walk the dogs.

So, let's all hope and pray I can post this week...

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