The Quirk Assessment Test!

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It was a week before we got the mail of our letters for UA. Of course, Izuku wasn't worried about if Kacchan passed or not, it's Kacchan of course he passed. Once we got our letters, Kacchan sat down at the kitchen table and opened them. A small disk fell out and Nezu showed up as a projection. He told us that we both passed and that Kacchan got the highest score in UA history. Kacchan was smug about that for the rest of the week and when we got to school, he laughed at the others students because none of them made it in. 

Kacchan and I got up at 5 again, getting ready for the unofficial first day of UA. We cleaned for an hour and then Kacchan made us breakfast. He asked for my help with making us lunches and we left the leftovers in the fridge for Auntie Mitsuki. Kacchan told her through her door that he left her some food in the fridge and we walked out to catch the train. 

We made it to UA with time to spare and Kacchan made his way to Class 1-A, and when he walked in (Izuku floated in, obviously) we noticed that we were the first ones in. Kacchan sat down at his desk and Izuku floated just above his shoulders, shaking with excitement for the first day. A few minutes after we got settled the door opened and Eraserhead walked in with the other teachers and Nezu following him. Kacchan sighed but he leaned back into Izuku. 

"Sorry about ruining your morning, but we wanted to introduce Midoriya to the other teacher so they won't get freaked out when he evidently shows himself," Aizawa says in a tired voice and the other teachers are looking about him like he's insane. Nezu is sitting on the teachers desk, grinning manically. 

Kacchan sighs but concedes to his point. "Can you help me with my bag?" he asked while looking back at me and I appear, clear as day to everyone else. The teachers all stare in shock as I float above Kacchan's shoulder, smiling at them shyly. Nezu hops down and walks up to the desk behind Izuku. He hops up onto it and he gets closer to me, obviously trying to see if he could touch Izuku. 

Izuku laughs but he holds out his hand to him and Nezu grabs it with his paw, exclaiming a little bit in shock because of how cold I am to him. The other teacher watch this and Kacchan glares at them, baring his teeth like a rabid animal at them. None of the teachers flinch, instead the all stare back at him and Izuku grins at them, a little more wildly then he intends to. 

Some of the teachers flinch at Izuku's grin but other just stare. Eraserhead sighs but turns around to explain. "This is Midoriya Izuku and he died when he was two. His quirk has been activated since birth which is why you can see him. He has tethered himself to Bakugo because he was the only person that he was close to after his mother. He can't leave Bakugo's side which is why he's here and is on the student roll call." 

Some of the teacher release a breath in shock, and a few others are looking at Izuku with pity but Izuku just ignores them, playing with Nezu's paws. Kacchan looks out the window and ignores everyone as the teachers start leaving. Nezu stays behind to talk with Izuku and Eraserhead grabs a sleeping bag out from under the teacher's desk, unzipping it and crawling inside it. He lays down on the ground behind the desk, and promptly passes out. Izuku giggles about it but goes back to talking with Nezu, not disappearing until he does the task he was asked to do. 

It hits 7:30 when they hear  footsteps coming down the hallway. Izuku says bye to Nezu and picks up Kacchan's bag, and he disappeared from everyone's eyes except Kacchan's. Izuku put Kacchan's bag back down on the hook, and he floats onto Kacchan's shoulders. Nezu hops down from the desk and walks to one of the walls. Kacchan and I watch as he presses a specific brick and the wall moves to the side. Nezu walks into his secret tunnel, and he turns around to wave at the boys and the wall closes. 

Kacchan and Izuku stare at each, both of them in awe. Eraserhead watches Katsuki and smirks to himself quietly, and he moves to hide his body from the doorway. The door is shoved open and the student who yelled at Kacchan is standing there, staring at Kacchan. Izuku bares his teeth at the student and Kacchan turns back towards the window, ignoring the student. The student walks to his assigned desk still confused and Izuku glares at him the entire way, not liking the student even though he still has the feeling of deja vu. 

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