U.A. Exam!

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It's getting closing to the end of the school year, and that means that Kacchan will be going to High School! Izuku already knows that Kacchan will apply for UA, the school of his dreams. Of course Izuku is going to be with him the entire time but now they have a reason to be paranoid. They figured out that when they both feel the same emotion at the same time, Izuku will appear. Though the quickly figured that they probably wouldn't feel the same at all, unless they were both angry.

Kacchan and Izuku also noticed that Kacchan can summon Izuku when he needs him, like if he was in danger and needed help. Izuku was happy about that, as he could now help Kacchan instead of just floating there, watching. So Kacchan started asking for help around the house, like with cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry. He also asked for help with homework, and if they both get stuck Izuku could just float to the teachers desk and get the answer, though that happens rarely.

More rumors have spread about Kacchan, most of them now talking about Izuku instead of Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle. Izuku is happy about this and Kacchan likes to laugh at how ridiculously stupid most of the rumors are. The most believed rumor is that Izuku is someone Kacchan killed and now he's haunting Kacchan out of revenge. Kacchan finds this one the funniest. Izuku still does pranks but now Kacchan will help sometimes. No one catches us though, 'cause all Izuku has to do is float Kacchan to his classroom, and Izuku floats fast. Izuku wonders if he will eventually be able to fly, and he wants to. It's not like Kacchan will get in trouble for it, it's not his quirk.

Aunt Mitsuki stays in her room now, and she rarely comes out. Kacchan reluctantly accepted this and now we do all the chores. I haven't seen Uncle in a long time, I wonder what happened to him. Kacchan tells me that he doesn't know either and that he misses him. Aunt Mitsuki will sometimes yell orders from inside her room, and Kacchan follows them perfectly.

It's the day of the UA Exam! Izuku is so excited and Kacchan is too. We got up before 5 so he could clean up a bit and make us breakfast (I still have to eat even though I'm a ghost, idk why). After that we head out and we hop on a train that will lead us straight to UA. The principal, Nezu, asked us to come early so he could talk to us. Kacchan agreed so now we're heading to UA at 6 in the morning instead of the usual 7.

We got there and one of the pro heroes was standing at the gate, waiting for us. He has long black hair and has a beard on his face. He's wearing an all black outfit and he looks like he hasn't slept in a year. Izuku already knows who he is, he's the underground hero: Eraserhead. He lets out a gruff "come with me", and turns around. Kacchan follows him all the way to Nezu's office. Eraserhead opens the door and beckons Kacchan to enter the room, and Kacchan enters slowly. Nezu is sitting at his desk, sipping tea and he has a tea pot on his right along with another cup set.

Nezu smiles at them and he tells Kacchan to sit down so they could talk. Kacchan does and Nezu offers tea, Kacchan accepts it but he gives it to Izuku. Aizawa and Nezu stare as the cup of tea floats in the air. "So Katsuki-kun, I heard that you have a companion that, as you said, has been dead since he was two," Nezu started and Kacchan sighed and he nodded. "Yeah, he died when he was two but his quirk was activated at birth so when he died his quirk brought him back," Kacchan was looking at me the entire time he was explaining how I was still here.

Eraserhead looks in the same direction and so does Nezu. Kacchan sighs but turns towards me as he asked, "Can you help me explain?" I nod and appear to the others eyes. Nezu looks intrigued while Aizawa sighs, I smile and wave at them as I continue to drink my tea. Nezu smiles as he looks at Kacchan, "So what's his name?"

Kacchan looks at him then turns to me, "Do you wanna tell them your name?" I nod with a smile as I turn towards them. "Hi, my names Midoriya Izuku but Kacchan calls me Deku!" Aizawa blinks while Nezu beams wildly at us. Kacchan leans back in his chair as Nezu pulls up my background on his computer as Aizawa looks over his shoulder. 

"Are you going to ask anything else or are we free to go?" Kacchan asks as he pulls out his phone to look at the time. Nezu hums as he waves us go without looking up from his computer, and Aizawa walks out of the office back to the Exam area. Kacchan nods at him as we "walk" in. Kacchan goes up to the front and looks for his name, along with his seat number. He ignores everyone else as he walks up to his seat, and surprisingly a lot of people from his old school are sitting around him. 

We didn't think they would try to even get in, nonetheless show up. Kacchan bares his teeth at them as he sits down, ready to sit in one spot for a hour. 30 minutes of waiting Present Mic walks on stage telling them that they have designated rooms for each area of seating and that they should go to the room they are assigned to. Everyone stands up and rushes towards the rooms they are assigned to. Kacchan sighs as he slumps/walks to his room. He walks in and is handed a paper and pencil.

Kacchan easily answered his questions so he had 10 minutes to spare before he has to go back to the arena. We walk around for 2 minutes before a teacher tell us that Principal Nezu needs us. Kacchan sigh as we walk to the Nezu's office. The door opens without Kacchan or me having to touch it and Nezu welcomes us in. He has paper and a pencil on his desk, obviously waiting for one of us to use them. 

Nezu smiles as he explains that he wants me to answer the questions on the papers. Kacchan looks at me and I smile at him, already heading for the papers. He looks back at Nezu and tells him that I'll do them. Nezu smiles as he turns back to his computer. I grab the pencil and dive right in, finishing the papers before we have to go back to the arena. Nezu grabs the papers from my hands and he shoos us back out again, Kacchan's grin is feral as we walk back to the other students. 

A lot of them back away from him as he walks through them, looking bloodthirsty. The teachers round up the students and walks us back to the arena that Present Mic is standing in. Once everyone is seated Present Mic begins explaining about the practical test, and Kacchan reads along with him. I'm sitting above Kacchan watching as other examinees' are either paying attention or are goofing off. 

Present Mic is interrupted by a student, who looks familiar, and he yells at Kacchan! Kacchan is doing nothing wrong, why is he yelling? Kacchan scoffs in his face and he tells the student to shut the fuck up and sit down. The student, why does he look familiar?, splutters and Present Mic takes his chance to explain the last robot. After Present Mic explains about the last robot he send us on our way to the exam areas. 

Kacchan boards the bus and he chooses a seat in the way back. He puts in his head phones and stares out the window as the bus drives them to a city looking area. Once they stop everyone hurries off the bus and they huddle up in one place before the big doors to the city area. Midnight is standing up on a platform, grinning at them as she waits for other to join them. Kacchan makes his way to the front, shoving people out of his way knowing that Izuku will catch them before they could fall or hurt themselves. 

One more bus pulls up and more students join them. Midnight pulls out her whip and yells go as the doors open. All the students freeze except for Kacchan, and Midnight clicks her tongue at them as she tells them to hurry up before Kacchan takes all the points. 

Kacchan is exploding the bots as Izuku grabs the parts that could hit the students and puts them on the ground safely. They make their way around the city doing this along with Izuku making Kacchan help some of the trapped students. They continue this until the ground shakes and everyone watches shocked as a robot the size of the tallest building rises from the ground. All the students go running as the robot walks to them slowly. Kacchan explodes his way above everyone else until he hears someone cry out in pain. He stops mid air and turns around, looking for the person who made the noise. 

He spots a girl with purple hair who has ear buds coming out the end of her ears. Kacchan lets himself drop down to her with out using his quirk, knowing Izuku will catch him. Izuku does and he runs up to the girl, picking her up fire man carry and tells Izuku to carry them to the beginning of the exam area. Izuku listens and picks them up, floating as fast as he can without hurting the girl. 

Recovery Girl is already waiting for them and Midnight calls the end of the exam. Kacchan puts down the girl on one of Recovery Girl's cots. Kacchan goes back with the other students on the bus and he grabs all of his stuff as he gets ready to go home.  

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