Where's Mom?

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Ever since Izuku could remember, Kacchan has always been there. Sometimes he was on Auntie Mitsuki's hip, other times he was laying down with Izuku. But after awhile, Kacchan was permanent in his memories. Izuku doesn't understand why he was permanent in his memories but he was. All he knows is that mom disappeared one day and now all he sees is Kacchan.

Auntie Mitsuki doesn't talk to Izuku anymore. He doesn't understand why. Kacchan can see and talk to Izuku fine, but when Auntie walks by she doesn't notice Izuku. Uncle Masaru doesn't notice Izuku either, and usually Uncle Masaru is the nice one but he isn't being very nice lately. Izuku will sometimes find Auntie sitting in her room, crying in front of a picture of momma. Izuku doesn't know why, but he'll sit down next to her until she's done crying. Kacchan told me that Auntie is mourning for momma.

I don't know why she's mourning, 'cause momma is still fine. She's probably waiting for me at the house. I try to go back home but some force field is not letting me go back. I figured out why though. The force field doesn't want me to be more than a mile away from Kacchan, which I'm fine with. I'm just sad that it won't let me go see momma.

Kacchan told me that he will be started pre-school soon and that I have to hide from the other children when he's in school. Izuku has always been good at hiding, especially when momma will usher Izuku into a closet, and tell him he has to be quiet or he won't get Katsudon. Izuku always listened to momma when she did this, so he always got Katsudon for dinner after those days.

Kacchan finally joined pre-school! Izuku is so happy for Kacchan that he could dance. Kacchan is obviously going to be the strongest in the class. It's not like anyone but Kacchan can hear Izuku anyways so he doesn't need to hold back his thoughts. Though Kacchan doesn't like it when he mumbles, and he will sometimes yell at Izuku to shut up. Izuku always listens to Kacchan, in case Kacchan decides that Izuku isn't worth anything and leaves him. Izuku doesn't think that the force field will stop him then.

Izuku gets bored when Kacchan is in school. He isn't allowed to talk to Kacchan during school, and when he does he gets yelled at to shut up when they get home. Izuku helps Kacchan with homework when he can't understand what the teacher was saying. The kids in his class are really loud. Izuku doesn't like it, especially if Kacchan gets angry at them. They usually just laugh at Kacchan, and continue on yelling and screaming. Kacchan always has a headache by the time they get home. So Izuku usually gives Kacchan a massage when they get home.

Kacchan got his quirk! It's called explosion and it's really pretty. Everyone in Kacchan's class was praising Kacchan for having a hero quirk. What is a hero quirk? A quirk is a quirk, the only way for it to be a 'hero' quirk is if the user decide they want to use it for good instead of bad. I asked Kacchan this and he agreed with me, so he decided that he didn't care what they said about his quirk.

Many of the kids in Kacchan's class tried to play with Kacchan after he got his quirk but Kacchan either ignored them or blew up in their faces. Kacchan never gets in trouble even though he used his quirk on public property without a heroes license. I was severely disappointed in many of the people there for not yelling at him but also somewhat relieved that they didn't.

Kacchan is in elementary now. He has lunch with older kids instead of just with the kids in his grade. Kacchan finds this annoying but I don't mind it. Though when one of the older kids thought it would be funny to grab Kacchan's special spicy curry from him one day, Izuku decided that he didn't like it either. So now instead of the cafeteria, they eat on the roof of the school. A teacher tried to tell them that they can't eat on the roof and that they have to eat in the cafeteria.

Kacchan didn't like that so used his quirk as intimidation. The teacher ran to get the principal and by the time they were back, we were gone. I mean when one of you can float (I can now, isn't that awesome?!) it's easy to get to places without others noticing. The teacher was flabbergasted and he ran down to the cafeteria with the principal behind him. Kacchan was sitting at one of the many empty tables. Izuku was floating behind Kacchan in case they need to disappear again. The teacher pointed at them, spluttering and hollering about the fact that we were just on the roof. The principal sighed, and sent the teacher to their class. Izuku was snickering when the teacher started to trudge back to his class. In Izuku's opinion he looked like a five year old who just stole a cookie from the cookie jar and got in trouble for it.

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