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The clanking of my navy blue boots echoed through the hallway. It was dark, like, I couldn't even see my hands in front of me dark.. I felt someone hiding behind me shivering, looking around frantically. I didn't know who they were but they were pretty short. "Yo blondie, it's not even that scary, woman up short stack." I paused. I was upset with him, not angry, just upset. I didn't like that he made fun of her. I knew who he was, I knew who the person behind me was. I could see some color. I could see the petite girl's blond hair, the rude person beside me had red hair. They're my friends. Suddenly the floor collapsed. "DON'T OVERTHINK IT!" said a voice, my voice. But I hadn't opened my mouth and I knew I wasn't thinking it... was I?


 I woke up with a start, taking in my surroundings. I'm in New York City, in a hotel bed, not a dark creepy hallway. I looked over the side of my bed. The floor seems intact and stable. I sighed and rolled over to the middle of my bed. I guess I'll take this opportunity to break the 4th wall. My name is Alice Walker, I am 18 years old and an aspiring artist, I think. At least that's what I'm majoring in. I'm from Sacramento, California. I have brown hair, blue eyes...or blue eye. I'll tell you about my other eye later, maybe. I am a Caucasian Female that is currently in New York City and going to Celestial Collage. Now that's settled I will stop the 4th wall breaking and skip all the boring parts of getting ready and the commute to school and skip right ahead to me getting lost upon my first 5 minutes of arrival.

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