The Terrible Tour

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                                                                                 Madie's POV:

Walking out of the ceremony room I saw 6 different tour guides. One of them looked pretty creepy. He was tall, pale, and looked pretty serious. Alice must have seen me looking at him because she smiled and leaned into my ear. "That's Alan, I know he looks kinda creepy but he seemed pretty nice. He helped me find the ceremony room when I was lost." she whispered to me. I was still a bit on edge but I smiled at her. "I hope this means we are friends now.", I thought out loud. "Of course we can be friends!", Alice said, giving me a big smile. My face flushed as I realized my mistake. 

"Now this is a great learning moment. Everyone take your pods and tap on the screen twice." Mrs.Walker said demonstrating as she stood on this random tile platform that I could've sworn wasn't there before. I decided to ignore it and do as she said. The screen glowed and showed different apps. "So I guess this is a phone..." I mumbled to myself. "There is a map icon on your pod that you will press. There should be a name there and whoever you are assigned to is who you will have your tour with." Mrs.Walker said, stepping off the platform she was on. The tiles that made up the platform descended down to the ground as Mrs.Walker pushed a button on her pod. We all stared wide eyed at the pieces of tile which were now just part of the floor. 

"Now then, the people who have Sandra Green on their pods, the beautiful lady on the far right is waiting for you." Mrs.Walker said pointing at the tall lady on the right side of her. Sandra was tall with rich brown hair and green eyes that looked as if they would piece through your soul with just a glance. She wore a green tight plaid shirt with a black bow on the collar and had white tights on and black ankle boots. Sandra stood up straight which only made her look more intimidating and raised her hand in the air. "Sandra Green at your service." she said with a smile. I looked at my pod and clicked on the map icon. Alan Westwood were the words that typed themselves across the screen. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that Alice said he was nice. 

"Everyone who has Alan Westwood please come up to the man right here." Mr.Walker says, putting her hand on Alan's shoulder. I walked with some other people to Alan and fidgeted with my fingers. I was getting a bad feeling about him, kind or not his very presence gave me the creeps! Alice gave me a reassuring smile and did a thumbs up. I realized almost everyone had gotten in a group and there were no more tour guides left. "The rest of you may come with me." Mrs.Walker said. Alice and the rest of the people that were left walked over to Mrs.Walker. I saw Alice whisper something to Mrs.Walker which made me confused. It was like she knew her already. I gave it some thought and the scene from when she introduced herself had popped into my mind. 

"Oh my cuddles and clouds she said her name was Alice Walker and Teachers usually go by their last names." I said to myself, I am a genius- Alice must be Mrs.Walker's daughter! "Well then, us tour guides are to show you only the first floor of the building and the dorms so let's not dilly dally." Alan said, snapping his finger in the air to get the attention of students who weren't paying attention. We made our way down the hall and turned a right corner. To our left there was a computer lab that was astonishing. "So this is where Apple hides all their newest technologies." I mumbled. "Actually these are all made by Rally Spears. Our school's own scientist." Alan said, giving me a closed eyed smile, pushing his glasses further up on his nose. 

The walls on the computer lab were holographic and the left wall was mostly floor to ceiling windows. The walls that were actually real were a blinding white color. The wall in the back of the lab was sky blue and had a door that said staff only. There were rows upon rows of holographic computers. You could tell they were off because the screen only had a power button on it. After admiring the computer lab we went further down the hallway. Alan had led us to a circular room with two hallways spreading outward from the circumference. The cream colored tiles had a green circle surrounding a wooden platform with a pole in the middle that had vines neatly curled around the black railing. Built in wooden benches lined the pretty, flowery, vine infested walls, and were accompanied by the regular vending machine. The ceiling above us was a glass dome and had a flower shape in the middle. "It seems we have made our way to the earth wing. The right hall will lead you to your geography classes and the left one to our school's indoor garden." Alan told us, 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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