The Ceremony

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Lol completely forgot that this story existed for a bit and for that I am sorry 😅

"MOM?!?" I thought, "What in the world is she doing here?"

 "Welcome all to Celestial College. We hope you will find your stay here very enjoyable.", my mom said. "I am your principal Mrs. Walker. Blah blah blah blah we separate you in dorms blah blah blah prestigious school blah blah." I didn't hear a lot of the boring explanation because I was too busy looking at how pretty my mom was. Her brown hair was tied into a neat side bun and her red glasses sat neatly on top of her head. She was wearing a white long sleeved turtle neck shirt with a navy blue pencil skirt. Underneath that, she wore fishnet stockings and red high heels. 

A lady came around passing out these phone-like things. They were a circular shape and didn't have any buttons on them. Just a screen and a white outlining. Once it seemed like everyone had gotten their circular pod things, my mom started talking again. "You will know your house when your pod turns a different color. Green is earth, yellow is air, red is fire, and blue is water.", my mom said pointing at each of the flags on the wall. "After the ceremony we will take a tour around the school, and sometime while we're touring your pod should show you what house you will be in. You will be on group tours and will also be shown the school by some of our senior students. We will not be showing you all of the school, as it is too big for the short amount of time we were given." my mom explained. After that she said more stuff  but it wasn't really worth talking about. 

The ceremony was finally done but much to my disliking we would probably have to hear my mom talk for another good 2 hours. My mom isn't bad at public speaking, it was just boring. We had all gathered near the front door where my mom was standing and were awaiting her directions. A petite blond girl had bumped into me and dropped all of her notes. "Oh, I am sooooo sorry!", She said, scrambling to pick up her papers. I knelt down and put my hand on her shoulder. I could tell she was nervous because she was shaking like a newborn giraffe. "Hey, it's okay." I said to her now helping pick up her papers. "I'm Alice Walker, what's your name?" I asked her as we finished picking up her papers. "My name is Maddie Scorch.", she said, now smiling at me. I smiled back, but then focused my attention towards my mom. 

"So before we go, does anyone have any ques-" "OOOOOOOO, MEEEEE, I HAVE A QUESTION MRS.PRINCIPLE!", some random dude shouted. My mom's eyebrow twitched. If there was one thing she hated, it was being interrupted. She took a deep breath and tried to smile but it ended up looking like a grimace. "Yes?", mom said. "Why did my cookie change colors?"He raised his pod in the air. The pod was flashing green and when he held it up, I finally got to see what this idiot looked like. At first glance he looked like a normal kid and you would have never guess all of the dumb things came out of this child's mouth. He had no muscles whatsoever and looked like he had never touched grass a day in his life. He had light brown side swept hair and lime green glasses. He wore a white button up shirt with some blue jeans and black Nike sneakers. "Please listen next time, what you are holding is not edible and is your pod. On a different note, congratulations, you are part of the earth house.", my mom said, holding the bridge of her nose. There were a few snickers in the crowd and then it was quiet again. Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked beside me. Maddie was handing me a bunch of maps and told me to pass it down. I took a map and gave it to the next person. I opened the map and my eyes widened. This school was literally a castle.

Sorry for the short chapter, hopefully the others are longer. :) have a nice day!

Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist - Pablo Picasso

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