Mysteriously Pale

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"Okay, I'm lost, where am I?", I said as I walked in the gigantic hallway. "Why in the world is this place so big?!?", I thought to myself. 'Are you in need of help, miss?',' said a voice behind me. As soon as the person showed himself, I turned around and walked the other direction. He had a tall figure who had an intriguing glow to his pitch black eyes. He had on a white fancy collar shirt and a black tie. His half frame glasses sat lower than they should have on his nose. My effort to walk away slowly did not work at all. He just grabbed my arm, turned me around and said, "I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to walk the halls unaccompanied, it is fairly easy to get lost here. May I ask where you're going?" I wanted to say, "I'm heading somewhere away from YOU." But I was in desperate need of help so instead I said, "Ummm well you see I am kind of lost and I was supposed to go to the ceremony for new students." "The ceremony is all the way on the other side of the building", The mysterious pale guy said, pushing his glasses up. I know my mom said not to judge a book by it's cover, but this dude was giving me the chills. My head was screaming, Stranger danger non stop. "How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alan Westwood", He said with a closed eye smile. I awkwardly smiled back and kept following him. "If I may ask, what happened to your left eye?", Alan questioned. "Uh sorry,I would actually rather you not ask.", I said politely. Don't get me wrong, I don't really mind telling people about my left eye, but I want this dude to know as little about me as possible right now. "Oh that's quite all right, well do you mind me asking where you're from?", Alan asked me. "I was born in California but was raised here in NYC." I told Alan. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really now, I heard California beaches are beautiful.", Alan said with a smile. I laughed awkwardly and nodded my head. 

"Well the ceremony is just down that big oak wood door." Alan said, pointing ahead of us. I stared in awe at the huge door in front of us. It had been painted dark magenta and had turquoise handles that made squiggles look like the most professional thing in the whole world. The handles ran all over the doors like a 3 year old masterpiece. I headed towards the door and then turned around and smiled at Alan. "Thanks a bunch Alan.", I told him, then turned back around towards the door. I took a deep breath as I swung the door open and saw one of the most beautiful rooms I had ever seen in my life. The smooth cream colored walls of the room had huge flags on them. Each symbolized an element- water, earth, fire, and air. In front of me the wall that had the Earth flag on it had vines covering it. The vines ventured along the wall and even covered a bit of the flag. It also had a tree woven onto it that looked a bit TOO realistic. I looked to my right and saw the air flag. It had a cloud on it and the flag looked like it was blowing in the wind, which made me confused. We were indoors after all. To my left was the fire flag. It had a flame on it which flickered from time to time. Behind me was the water flag. It had an ocean on it and I noticed that the water seemed to glow and ripple. "Something is kind of unsettling about this place", I thought to myself. "Excuse me young lady, may I ask you to please take a seat. The ceremony is about to begin", an old man said. It looked like he was a faculty member, but I wasn't sure. "Yessir", I replied. Then I took a seat and waited for the ceremony to start. "ATTENTION STUDENTS!" said a woman on the platform in front of me. I could only see her silhouette, but something seemed oddly familiar about her. Then it hit me...




























Cliffhanger are lovely aren't they?

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