Chapter 56: Space Suit

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"Mom," he said curtly. "What are you doing here?"

"Ezra," she said, relief flooding her face. "Thank goodness, I was worried I'd—These packets are tricky, and I knew I wouldn't be able to see the cabin, and it looked familiar, but then I got all turned around and I worried I'd thought of the wrong place and—"

"What are you doing here?"

It didn't take long for the Weasley's to come to the front, George and Angelina stopping on either side of her. Ginny and Harry sat in the nest, brooms in hand, as if they were preparing for an aerial attack. Others staggered themselves behind her, wands drawn.

Bonnie saw the cool way Ezra had repeated the words, and her face fell.

"Mark told me you'd figured it out. I thought I should try and explain—"

"Explain what?" Ezra asked. "Why you're literally turning into the thing I've formed my whole career around fighting? I mean, come on, Mom, you're smarter than this. He's not trying to help anyone, he's just out to make a quick buck, and if you and Dad think it'll be some sort of—"

"I don't disagree with you, Ezra."

Crawley stopped short, surprised by the even tone in his mother's voice as much as the words. Her eyes began to water, but she didn't let the tears fall.

"Your father got involved with these people before I had my memories back. He told me about it that night, right after you and Katherine left. And at first, I thought maybe I was missing something, maybe... maybe I'd see it, as everything settled back in. But I've sat in these meetings and seen them convince sad, broken people to give up their lives for this and... I see why your dad did it. Why he saw it as his only option at one point. But magic shouldn't be for sale, or he's no better than what he thinks he's fighting."

"So why not say anything until now?" Ezra asked.

Bonnie shook her head. "Everything had changed so much, Ez. And I was heartbroken that I'd missed all that time with you, I thought that if we could have magic, too... I don't know, maybe I just wanted to understand you better. Understand this world that you live in better."

"And being rude to Katherine was supposed to help with that?"

"It was a bad plan," Bonnie admitted. "But they've been so fixated on your wedding, and I thought if I could try and talk you out of it—"

"What do you mean fixated on the wedding?" Ezra asked, his stance widening just slightly. Katherine desperately wanted to jump across the wards and put her hand on his arm, but she held herself back.

"They're determined to make a scene. And with everyone that will be there, from both governments... and I guess Katherine's family is a big deal, though they've been hazy on the details. And then they said you'd been in the papers, which they were thrilled about. They're convinced that if they can make a big enough splash at the wedding, they'll get their message out and people will join up to help. It's advertising."

"But to people who already have magic," Ezra countered.

"Sure. But people who have magic know people who don't, people who want it. And they think that wizards are tired of hiding, just need a good excuse to break the flood gates. At once that happens, magic will be the biggest story there is, and they'll have all these people who have tried it and will tell their friends about it."

"So, my wedding is a publicity stunt?"

"It doesn't have to be," Bonnie said, stepping towards Ezra. "That's why I came, to... to tell you. Warn you."

"What about Iz," Katherine said, dropping the brooms and stepping out of the wards then, unable to stop herself despite the hiss of George behind her. "Is she sending you information still? How does she not know anything?"

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