Youth's Mist Ch 12

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If I stare at my cell phone, will it pulse on demand? Come on, Joven, text me or not; I shrug. I mean, I'm an independent, successful, currently jobless, woman. I don't need a man, but well, it would be nice to stare at someone from across the dinner table. Argue over what movie to watch, fight over the remote control, and spoon with at night in my full-size bed. Oops! Fantasy, hormonal girl just jumped right in there.

Since glaring at my cell phone isn't working, or confident self-talk, and fantasies surely aren't helpful, I'll just start sorting through my mail. One letter catches my attention as the return address is from a lawyer in Virginia. My aunt, mom's sister, had passed away when I was very young. Being a widow early in her life with no kids, she left everything to my mom; then subsequently to me. Looking in the top right corner, I can see the stamp date is two weeks ago! Slap me in a slingshot! It seems my devious, kiss interloper neighbor held this a little longer than two days!

The last official letter I opened addressed to me, did not end well for me. But surely it wouldn't happen two times in the same week. Opening the official letter, I read its contents and lay it back down on my lap feeling perplexed. It seems some additional assets were discovered: bonds, stocks, and other miscellaneous items in a bank safety deposit box, and it requires my signature. I could request the documents be sent via FedEx overnight, but then a delicious thought enters my mind. If the information in the letter is correct, I won't have any money problems for years. Wouldn't a quick vacation to my favorite spot on earth be wonderful?

Thanks to my always uptight, constipated looking boss, I have the free time to take off for some relaxation and maybe a slow walk down memory lane. I could even take a swim in the ocean. I've always wanted to try parasailing. Feeling giddy I decide to take the plunge, — literally.

BUZZ! BUZZ! My phone pings! YES!! Before I reply I have time for a "Risky Business" dance across the floor with my bear jammies on, sliding in my pink socks.

"I had a great date tonight with the prettiest girl at a concert down at the park." Joven texted.

"What a coincidence. I had a great night too, but my date didn't feed me," I replied.

"Lol. We never did eat that funnel cake huh?"-Joven

"Whatever shall I do? I'm wasting away. Need sugar to fuel my energy to text."-Pann

No reply to last message, so I look at the letter again. Decision made; I'm going to Virginia!


"I can be there in five minutes with an array of desserts guaranteed to energize you all night,"-Joven

"Nah, my guard dog neighbor would sniff them out, and I'd find you the next morning laying at my door covered in a sweet, sugary mess."- Pann

"You're worth the risk."-Joven

Oh, he's laying it on pretty thick now, what a guy!

"Sorry for my neighbor, she can be intense."-Pann

"Intense? Sure, I can agree with that. Maybe she wants to keep you safe from guys filled with devilish sweet intentions."- Joven

"Sadly, no, she wants me out, so her sister can move in, and then I guess they can have complete dominion over the second floor of our apartment complex."- Pann

"Well, next time, and trust me there WILL be a next time (heart emoji) I'll bring my karaoke machine, and we can give her a concert."-Joven

Oh, I may need a second dance in my bear jammies!

"Lol, what is your favorite kind of music? You already know I don't like jazz."-Pann

"I like the classics. Pop music from the 1980's, bring on Journey or some Duran-Duran. My mom would clean our house to any 80's song with speakers cranked up on high. You learn to enjoy it, because cotton in the ears doesn't block all the noise."-Joven

"Ha! Poor, Joven. Your mom's music would be better than hearing me sing. Dogs howl from the nearest alley. Scary!"-Pann

"I'll wait and hear you sing, before I decide. Do you want to meet tomorrow so we can discuss our devious plot against the troll, aka: neighbor, in more detail?"- Joven

"Sorry, I've got plans."-Pann

"Sure, okay, maybe the next day. Trying my best not to sound desperate right now.... Just picture me at your door with a funnel cake and the troll (Mrs. Knobsview) gnawing on my arms."-Joven

"Lol, sadly, I must decline. The mail she gave me was actually two weeks old and it included a letter from a lawyer over a family matter that needs resolving in Virginia."-Pann

"Are you okay? Is Kitty nearby for you to hug?"-Joven

"I'm fine; just an aunt that left some stuff I need to sign for and claim. She's been gone for many years."-Pann

"Can I see you when you return? I'm still waiting for that first kiss."- Joven

The temptation to ask for his address, then run over in my jammies and kiss those lips of his... Hold it in, Pann. No reason to scare Mr. Dimples.

"Yes, I'll be back by Sunday evening. How about we meet by the fountain in the park around 7pm?"-Pann

"It's a date. Safe travels to you and Kitty, and I'll see you Sunday!"-Joven

Hoping my tablet can handle the intense heat level I'll be writing tonight; I get busy with reservations and car rental first. Then, emailing the lawyer for a Friday morning appointment, leaving plenty of time for me to enjoy the ocean. Suitcases all packed, cuddling kitty, and a smile stuck on my face, I lay in bed hoping for some sweet dream action. Not for an ocean view, but a certain blonde giant that makes me think this could be the start of something wonderful.


Author's note: Hope you enjoyed this short read, because the next chapter starts an exciting turn for Joven and Pann. Please remember to hit the star button on the bottom left if you liked it and follow me on Wattpad to continue with this tale of under fountain mystery, romance, and drama.

Come find me on Facebook and Instagram!

Music Credit: Amy March Beach Op 15: No 3 Dreaming on YouTube 

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