Youth's Mist Ch 20

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"So, just to recap, you live in an underground utopian kind of civilization. There were three original men who founded all this," waving my hands around, "the history is written on the ancient tablets housed at City Hall. Am I correct so far?"

"Yes," Joven answers. I hold my hand up stopping any more words from his mouth.

"The main cavern is below the city fountain, with a hot spring that keeps the temperature constant year-round. The Mist is ever present, kind of like a healing presence. You all must immerse yourselves at least two hours a day in the hot spring. You have no extra body parts or gills behind your ears?"

"Correct," he replies. Again, I hold my hand up stopping him.

"And, there are tunnels leading to the surface and to other caverns that put the population around 500. What did you call them? Oh, yes, Dewbies. As we sit at the base of the Appalachian Mountains, am I right to assume that some of the tunnels lead into the mountains?"

"Yes", he pauses and realizes I'm going to let him speak.

"We had some carbon dating done on the older homes, more commonly called Cluck Homes, and it dated them to the early 1800's. Through time, a lot of our history has been lost. All that remains are those tablets carefully preserved at City Hall, and they pertain to the laws of the Mist."

"And what happened this morning?" I asked with a raised eyebrow."

"Umm, well, you married me;" he smiles and fails at trying to look humble about it.

"Excuse me, but did you ask me to marry you?" And follow up question, what happens next, or if I say No?"

"No, I didn't exactly ask you to marry me, sorry. I did explain things to you in your apartment, but you kept waving your hand around. We Dewbies, can only marry on Summer Solstice, which of course is the longest day of the year, as the sun takes its longest journey. I couldn't wait a year, and that's all the apology I'm willing to give you."

"We took our vows in the morning Mist, this evening we will reaffirm those by receiving a token and then no Dewbie can leave Dewstone for one week. But Pann, wait a minute." He gets up and sits beside me and ping! There's that ever-present surge through our joined fingers. "Okay, this is better." "Pann," he begins again, "can't you feel this pulsating between us? I'm not asking you to accept it all right now; I know it's a lot. I'm asking you to give me a week, to open your eyes to all the possibilities of what we could become. I may have had the wrong approach, but not in deed. Dewbies, which you will be after tonight if you choose, are only joined once. We search for our heartbeat, and we bind to one another in this life and ever more."

Sitting there holding hands, it did feel right. But I'm still mad and feel justified in staying that way.

"Joven," using my strong voice, "if I leave now WHAT happens?"

Lowering his head, he looks dejected and defeated.

"You can never return Pann, our marriage is annulled. You've been given the first Newbie elixir before we were married. It was the oil Heif placed upon your forehead. You then entered the ceremony, said 'YES' and were engulfed by the swirling Mist. If you chose to walk away, no longer can you return to our life. Even now your body is changing; the chemical balance is shifting within."

"When does the evening ceremony start?" I ask. This is so much to process and I can't think clearly when he's close by. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we are under the fountain in City Park. The way Joven explained it, they can see up, but when your UpAbove looking down, we just see concrete or our reflection.

"Sunset, but the newlyweds must be on the bridge before the sun sets to finish the ceremony," he looks at is cell phone, "that's about two hours away."

"Then I have a request," I try to release his hand, standing. Taking the cue, he knows the time for talking has passed.

"Anything, well almost anything." Taking the opportunity to raise my left hand, he places a gentle kiss on the palm, before letting it go.

"Give me those two hours to think of everything you've told me," I wait for his reaction. Shock registers on his face, but he agrees. He gets up, reaching for my hand again and pulls me next to him.

"Let me leave you with one more thing to think about," he says and takes my chin in his hand, tilting my face away. Moist, very warm kisses are placed on the shell of my ear. His breath blows softly in my ear and he starts nibbling his way down the side of my neck. I can't help it, I shiver. Slap me in a slingshot! That feels good. I hear the door open and step back just as his parents return from their walk.

"Pann has some things to decide," he tells his parents, "come Pann, I know a place where peace resides and you can think in private."

Holding his hand as we walk, feeling so perfect in such a simple gesture. We go back to the main park area, over the bridge, and towards a very old structure. We receive a few congratulations from passing people, but I let Joven handle the talking for us.

"This isn't a church, but more of a reflection space. The artistry is quite beautiful. No one will bother you; I promise. Take as long as you need, but remember I will be on that bridge at sunset. My heart already belongs to you; the question is what will you do with it?"

He reaches into his back pocket and hands me my cell phone, then walks away and I'm left alone in an old building. It certainly does resemble a church with its high ceilings, stained art glass of varying colors, scattered antiques, and wooden benches. I sit, placing my hands on my lap. Think Pann, no, what did Joven say? Feel, Pann, what do you feel?


Author's note: Should Pann walk away from her life in UpAbove? To leave her home and friends to start a new life with Joven? Is Joven demanding too much? Is a chance at love worth the sacrifices in her life?

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Stay tuned for Youth's Dew to be released after the completion of Youth's Mist in the near future. 

Music credit: Louise Farrenc - Trio for flute, cello and piano Op. 45, 2. Andante - Performed by Marsyas Trio

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