Youth's Mist Ch 14

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My papers are ready, safely inside my manly leather satchel, and I'm ready to start my walk to the gymnasium. Picking up my phone and texting Pann quickly to let her know I wouldn't have my phone on during this evening's meeting and following pot-luck dinner. We had messaged late last night and again this morning — something I wouldn't mind becoming addicted to in the future.

She sent one last message about an hour ago to tell me about the meeting with the lawyer and that she's thinking she will come home early. I did execute my most dignified victory dance, with the door closed of course. Parasailing tomorrow and then starting her four-and-a-half-hour trip back to Burlap, we tentatively set a date for tomorrow at 7pm, meeting at the fountain. I feel very jubilant and wanting to fist bump Susan, but hold back, barely. Passing her desk, she joins me on the long trip; two buildings down on the right. Small towns are awesome!

The gymnasium is a hive of activity for our town. It hosts all the holiday parties, games, recitals, plays, and town meetings. Open in the middle for a basketball court, with bleachers on the side. Tonight, it's filled with chairs to hold the almost 500 Dewstone residents. We get stopped just inside the door as we greet our friends and neighbors, while making our way to the front.

A voice from behind me gets my attention, but I don't recognize the voice.

"Joven, I'm really sorry for messing up the other day. I got sick after eating at Chucks Wagon with some friends. I stayed in our usual boardinghouse and had my elixir with me," says Dawayne.

I try to hide my smile. He doesn't realize it was his misstep that pushed me into meeting Pann.

I want to hug him or clap him on his back as a way to show my appreciation, but instead I tap it down and say "It's fine, Dawayne. I'm just glad you're okay."

"Thanks for covering for me, did you get to see Lisa? She is so pretty," Dawayne infuses.

"Yes, and you should ask for her number. You never know." If I encourage him, maybe she'll move her attention towards him. We shake hands; I nod good-bye, and continue moving to the front of the gym.

There are five council members in total. Charles, being the oldest, then Peggy, Henry, and Grace, and, of course, I'm the fifth and Head Chairperson. Our elections are held every five years, and the Head Chairperson is always someone under the age of 30 years old. My time is almost up, just a little over a year left. Then, I can decide to run for a Senior Chair, to represent each vicinage, or move to another job, in or out of politics. Our system is set up to encourage politics in our younger Dewbies, and then they will better understand the duties that each Senior Chair holds.

There is a Senior Chair to represent each dwelling tunnel, or vicinage, from our cavern. Then the one Head Chair to lead all the citizens.

On the platform, the City Council seats are turned to face everyone assembled on the gym floor. Susan is to my left as town secretary and recorder. I turn and see almost our entire town seated and ready to begin. We provide daycare in the library, so parents can enjoy the meeting. I'm guessing the hot springs pond will be full tonight by the looks of the smiling kid-free parents. I clear my throat — time to begin the meeting.

"As you know Summer Solstice is a week from today. As set forth in our town history and bi-laws, which can be viewed at City Hall by appointment, we have new business and it's the very best kind. We will skip the reading of the last meeting notes and get to the good stuff. Would Michael, Rory, and Bethany please step forward?"

Excitement grows as the three Dewbies leave their chairs, walk forward and come to stand in front of the committee.

"Again, these rules are monumental in maintaining our underground Oasis. I will review the constitution pertaining to Summer Solstice."

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