2) chapter ~Pierced teacher

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~Till's P.O.V.~

I checked myself in the rearview mirror, I looked horrible. Dark red circles was hanging under my eyes. Yesterday I get completelly wasted, again. For a minute I thought about if all that alcohol and shit I did yesterday is of off my body finally, basically if I'm able to drive a car. Yeah, I should go rather than drive but my legs doesn't seemed to cooperate with me so I decided to drive with a hangover. Nice.

What a dumb idea to do a teacher. I sighed to myself infront big large school. "I'm so stupid." I smirked and entered the building.

~Your P.O.V.~

I was afraid that I get too scared about school and will ruin something but everything was fucking it by itself anyway. My love life definitely end up, whatever else left? Ellene... I really have to call her. Maybe she'll give me some advices, in fact she was more into relationships than me and had a tons of experiences. And the fact was that she was the who introduced me Christoph. I get a little mad about that fact but no-one could know how it will end up.

I entered classroom like a ghost. I saw some people already talking to each other. At least they won't notice me, I thought but when they gave me digusted looks I was sure that god hates me.

I carefully look over the whole class and took my seat next to little overweight girl with Green Day t-shirt and red skirt. She smiled and I tried to smile back but after a horrible night full of crying and bad dreams it looked more like a smile of a corpse.

I kept my eyes close because I was so tired so tired of this all. 'You gonna die as a virgin. I don't want to waste my time with someone like you...' all that was echoing in my head. I almost fell asleep but really tall man with big hands enetered classroom and my heart stopped when principal invited him as our teacher.

"Hello hmmm class... I'm Till Lindemann, your new teacher." he said, his voice was lowest than anything I've heard in my entire life. He had eyebrow piercings and one septum piercing, it looked really sick but is he really gonna teaching us? Only type of teachers I knew was that really conservative middle aged ladies and mysoginistic old men who wouldn't let you go to toilet.

Since then it all became such a boring bunch of minutes that turned into hours. I was just raising my hand everytime when I heard my name. All I could think about was Mr. Lindemann's piercings and that I have to call Ellene...


"You broke up?" asked Ellene when we met in the park after school.

"Yeah..." I whined.

"Oh" she whispered with uninsterest.

"Y-you don't feel sorry?" I said but right afterwards I realized how dumb it sounded.

"Y/N, look. You aren't the only one who have problems..." she said. "Christoph just wanted to have a normal relationship." I didn't like the way she said normal.

"Sex is completelly natural and normal thing to do." I wanted to stop her right here or slap her but she continued:

"You just have to get over your daddy issues or whatever and live like a normal teenage-" my head seemed so full of her bullshit I cannot stand that anymore so I slapped her. Few people turned when I was running away and leaving her, all my problems, memories, past, Christoph and .... behind. Jut run, run home, to my room and cry,, cry, that helps every time...

~Till's P.O.V~

I whined as I closed the door of my classroom. Being a teacher seemed more tiring than I thought that it really is. First day after me and I already felt drained. Ughh.

When I was driving home I noticed some girl running out of the park. I recognized that it's one of my students... As a teacher I should go to her and ask her if everything's okay but as a kinda introverted person I decided to ignore it and overthink it later.

I practicaly crawled to my flat and shut the door. It was about seven o'clock. I myself was so confused how much time it all took.

I switched on the TV and opened bottle of wine. I sat down and focused my eyes on the TV screen. It was Scissorhand Edward playing at that moment, ones of my favorite movies. I probably get so drunk so I don't even remember I watched it till the end.


A/N: will update soon. Don't worry, coming chapters are less boring lol:P

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