6) chapter - P.E.

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~Your P.O.V.~

"Oh my god, I can't believe we're having Mr. Lindemann for P.E.!" I heard squealing the other girls to each other in the lockroom.

"What?" I accidentally left out when I trying to put myself to sweatpants I've been using for exercising.

"You don't know that? We're having Mr. Lindemann as substitution!"said one of those while dressing her crop top on. "Like he's so hot." added another. Of course he is, but when they said that I felt uncontrolable rage and had this urge to shut them up.

"Oh." I said and looked into the mirror. I brushed my hair with hand a little bit and checked from which side I look skinnier. All my insecurities worsen when I saw other girls walk behind me. Their flat stomachs, their long hair, their thin waists!

"Ughhhh..." I growled and followed them to gym. My heart stopped when I saw him in the center of the room. When our eyes locked I thought I'll fall down on my knees. It was so intense even it was just eyecontact but we both knew what the other thinks about.

I always got this feeling around him. Everytime I seen him everything changes, it always made my day. But it was kinda embarassing too.

"So girls, let's do the presence." he said and started reading names of my classmates and checking if they missing or not.

"Linda?" he said.

"No... she wasn't feeling well." I said and got a little bit pissed because she left me alone in this. I knew she probably gone skip school with Nanii.

"Okay." he said with eyes buried in paper.

"Aaand Y/N?" Till asked no matter he just conversated with me.

"Heeere." I moaned anoyed.

"What about that frustrated tone ms. Y/N??" he raised his eyebrows smirking at me.

"Nothing, Mr. Lindemann." I rolled my eyes.

"I've seen that," he said. "so let's take a five rounds around the gym running, as a punishment." he winked.

"What?"I left with my mouth opened wide.

"Go on." he cheered me up and my classmates laughed.


"Run! Run! Run!" everyone started screaming and clapping hands in case to make me do it.

I laughed and started running while Till told girls to make pairs and gave them balls and tell them to practice throwing.


I finished my fifth round red in face sweating as pig.

"What now?" I almost crawled to Till breathless my legs hurting as fuck. He smiled satisfied.

"Find a partner to throwing balls with-" he stucked when we both looked around to see noone single. I was cursing Linda again. What a bitch, goes to skip P.E. without me!

"Guess I have to be in pair with you, Mr." I said as provocativelly as possible just to play with him and avenge for the running.

"Truly, so... here you go." he trew ball at me and I throwed it back. We were doing this for three minutes so I got a bit bored and I noticed noone cares or looks at us so we can talk.

"So, why do you do a teacher??" I asked and trow a ball.

"Why not?" he smirked and trew it back.

"You don't seem as the teacher type." I laughed and ran for my bottle with water because my throat got dry again. I didn't know if that was because of sudden physical activity or because of him staring at me like that.

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