A not so normal, normal day

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Selina Everett looked around the Practical Entomology hall. Eight individuals were present, other than herself of course. She twirled the pen in her hand, eyes moving from one thing to another. Her roaming eyes kept getting drawn to a hulking figure seated at the bench next to hers. She frowned, noticing the way his eyes narrowed in mockery at the other students seated in front of them. 

She heard the door open and looked over to see the new arrivals, one practically a celebrity and the other, the closest to getting Cinderella, the drink to change them back to normal.

The people in the Nest were not, by any means, normal humans. They were all victims of a bug spray called Jungle Juice which, when sprayed on bugs, killed them and combined the bug's DNA with the DNA of the nearest human's body. This caused a part of the human's body to transform into bug features. 

Cinderella was made using jungle juice itself and it was very rare to come across it anymore. It essentially decomposes the insect DNA in the human body, returning the user back to normal. It was the most coveted thing for insect humans like Selina.

Selina scoffed when she thought about the cursed drink. Everyone was shown the results of the finished product but no one knew of the testing that had happened to develop it. The countless people's lives sacrificed to get the so-called "cure". The agony the test subjects went through, watching their companions suffer and die, not knowing who was next. The waves of pain wracking their bodies as countless experiments were run on them, the cursed ones, the ones who were more insect than human because of ending more than one bug's life with the spray.

She refocused on the world in front of her, refusing to open up the door to her past, the memories that she locked away and never wanted to relive. The loved ones left behind.

Her eyes locked with the dragonfly who saved a girl's life by revealing his secret and she smiled. He looked startled and turned away. As the girl who was closest to becoming valedictorian was about to leave the room, Selina said "Huijin Park, wait up." She ran to the door at the front of the room, meeting the girl with black hair that reached her knees topped with her signature black cap - her best friend.

Huijin smiled and said "Hey Sel. Did you want to come with me to run the errand for the professor?"

Selina threw an arm around Huijin's shoulder and said "You know me too well. Onwards!"

The two girls ran the errand and made their way back to the classroom only to see that the entire class was missing their IDs and dragonfly boy and Hyeseong Cha, the katydid, were knocked out and bloody.

"I could imagine dragonfly boy getting knocked out, but Hyeseong too?" Selina said, her eyebrows scrunched together. They had both carried the boys over to the infirmary and treated their injuries as much as they could.

"Dragonfly boy? You mean Suchan?," Huijin said. Selina nodded and sat at the head of Hyeseong's bed in the infirmary. Huijin smiled when she saw the expression Selina made looking at Hyeseong. "Hyeseong was probably ambushed and didn't get the chance to fight back."

"He would've kicked that coward's ass otherwise."

"That is true. The only students on campus that can beat him would be you and I Sel." Huijin walked over to the counter and started to put the medicines back into the cabinet.

"Wha? Where am..." Suchan said as he got up.

"This is the health center." Huijin said. "Selina and I brought you guys here because we found you two passed out and bleeding when we came back."

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