Chapter 9 - Ode to Melancholy!

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"Hello?" Y/N's voice poured out of the speakerphone, flooding the glass chamber with the reverberation of her timbre. In involuntary response to the sound, Jungkook sprang up from his chair, his senses suddenly alert from the fresh dose of stimuli tingling his skin.

"Is this Y/N?" Sejin asked over the phone, stifling his laugh at Jungkook's animated reaction, and the eager, slightly crazed expression on his face.

"Yes?" she replied. Jungkook leaned closer to the phone, pressing his chest against the table to sooth his heart that was pounding away vigorously inside his rib cage, determined to leap out somehow to increase his proximity to her.

"Hello, Y/N. I'm calling from a talent agency, and I would like to schedule an interview," Sejin continued with the carefully practiced script that Jungkook had given him right before the call. "Can we pencil you in for today afternoon?" Jungkook held his breath for what felt like an eternity, as Y/N paused for a moment before she responded from the other end.

After he had held Y/N's number in his hands, his spirits had lifted, soaring high with the wings he had sprouted from the hope of this moment. Right before the others' eyes, Jungkook morphed from the shell of a lifeless man being eaten from within, to being a radiant soul intoxicated on the golden elixir of life itself. Sleep had continued to evade him, however the haunting of the past moments had been replaced by glimmering visions of the future. Different scenarios would play out in his mind of how he would meet Y/N again, every step, every word, every touch profound, leaving his insides squirming with indescribable pleasure. A similar scenario had appeared to him the night they were flying back to Seoul, when he had suddenly decided to surprise Y/N on the pretext of an interview. He imagined the blush on her face when she would find him in the room, the glimmer in her eyes when he would show her his dream project, and her humble agreement to help him. That night back in Seoul had been the most torturous of all the nights he had spent apart from her. Like the drought-ridden Earth eagerly awaits the first touch of the glorious drops of rain at the first sight of voluminous clouds in the distance, to quench its life-long thirst, Jungkook couldn't wait any longer, with the knowledge of her presence near him.

"I'm actually graduating today, and have to be at the University," he heard Y/N reply with a hint of distraction in her voice. Jungkook scrambled back to his feet and gestured frantically at Sejin while the pause on the call grew awkwardly long.

"Sure, we can schedule it in for tomorrow then. I will text you the details shortly," Sejin responded, failing to decipher what Jungkook was desperately trying to convey with his signs.

As Y/N thanked him, she suddenly let out a loud painful wail, that sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine giving him goosebumps. Throwing himself over the table, he reached out to snatch the phone from Sejin's hand.

"What, what happened?" he demanded urgently on the phone.

"Sir, I'm sorry about that. I just dropped something. Please send me the details, I'll be there tomorrow. Thank you," Jungkook heard her panting in between words as she tried to mask the pain in a hoarse voice. Before he could say anything else, she disconnected the call.

For a brief moment, Jungkook stood frozen in his place, as a wave of panic passed over him, her hurt groan crawling under his skin.

"Yeah, I know," Sejin nodded in agreement, before Jungkook could say anything, as he turned towards him with a stern face. "I'll take you."

Jungkook sat silently in the back seat, looking out the window as the city passed by his eyes in a blur, much like the thoughts flitting past in his mind. Despite the cloud of worry that overcast his mood, he couldn't help the tickles from the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach. Sejin glanced back at him from the passenger seat and watched as he nervously twisted the end of his T shirt around his finger with a clenched jaw, leaving it wrinkled beyond repair.

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