Potato Life

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This is a story about a little Potato called Potato. And to be honest, every single potato is named potato, but this potato is different.

Usually, a potato would start as a seed, and grow in the ground as a potato, and when the farmer plucks them out of the ground, they sell the potato, and whoever buys the potato in the shops, will be the potatoes love forever. And when the potato gets cut, mashed or fried, it's basically potato sex (sorry if this story puts you off potatoes)  But this potato that the stories about, never had a sexual orientation for humans but a sexual orientation with other vegetables. In this case the Aubergine.

Yes, you could tell this story is going to be complicated, but hey, I wouldn't say every story is simple.

This Potato, never wanted to be like the other potatoes so officially and illegally changed her name to Paula the Potato. All the other potatoes hated Paula the Potato because she was different and you would say that would be considered discrimination but in the potato world it's called potato-ism.

This is just a brief description of Paula the Potatoes life, so come back and read the second part of this story to find out what happens in this potato- love story!

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