Paula The Potato meets Alex the Aubergine

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Hey again! I'm very sorry if the first part of this potato love story has well... put you off potatoes but, trust me the story will get less disturbing and more... I want to say romantic but.... anyway on with the story.

So Paula Potato was on the last stage of potato life, well nearly, the last stage was the farmer taking it from the ground, putting it in the factory, taking it to the shops and blah blah blah and so on. Paula the Potato was still in the ground. Every time the ground shook, the farmer was close and usually the potatoes would be very happy and excited but Paula the Potato was scared. Oh and I forgot to mention, if you didn't know but the 'roots' on the potatoes aren't roots at all. Their actually there arms and legs.

Paula didn't want to be plucked by the farmer so she used her 'root' arms to dig to her left, she kept digging and digging so she could get away from the farmer. Did she get away? Yes. The ground stopped shaking, but Paula the Potato didn't stop digging until she hit something. Something hard.

Paula the Potato bumped into aubergine's aubergine! Paula thought it was very hard and she liked it.

She was enjoying the view but little did she know, a potato wasn't allowed in the aubergine section. What was Paula the Potato going to do? Well.... she licked aubergines aubergine
Yes yes, it sounds disgusting and yes I know in the previous part I said it would get less disgusting but... it might? Who knows! I'm just writing this story for no reason randomly! Anyway...

The aubergine said aloud 'I like it when you do that' and Paula the Potato blushed. She decided to come out of the ground and say hello to aubergine but got embarrassed when she came out. Aubergine wasn't talking to her. Aubergine was talking to Pickle! But this pickle wasn't a straight pickle, this pickle was one of those wonky ones, and had two wobbly bumps on her front. Pickle was jumping, which made her two bumps wiggle up and down too. That's why aubergine said what he said.

Paula the Potato did t want to give up, she started to talk to aubergine, 'aubergine, hi, I was digging away from the farmer and coincidentally bumped into your aubergine, I started to lick it and I held it and shook it up and down. I'm sorry if I disturbed you'

Potato was very embarrassed but aubergine looked at her and smiled, ' please, don't call me aubergine, call me Alex the Aubergine and that sexy pickle over there is Pippa the Pickle. Pippa the Pickle began to jump again and her bumps began to shake with her. Paula the Potato looked back at the other potatoes who were starring at disbelief.

Pippa the Pickle began to speak, ' we three are the only vegetables who are not sexually attracted to humans, and are sexually attracted to other vegetables so why not run away together and have a threesome relationship!' She exclaimed.

Alex the aubergine likes that idea, so did Pippa the Pickle, but Paula the Potato wasn't having it, she wanted Alex the Aubergine all to herself. But she didn't want to upset Alex the Aubergine and so she agreed to have a threesome relationship but little did the others know, Paula the Potato is only doing this to sexually do things withAlex the Aubergines aubergine and of course Alex the Aubergine in general. She was going to have fun.

To find out what happens next, come back for the next part, and I know I said this before, but I promise the next part won't be so... weirdly disturbing.

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