Paula the Potatoes Mission

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So... where we left off, Paula the Potato liked Alex the Aubergine very much, but Pippa the Pickle was in the way of Paula the Potato achieving her goal to sexually touch Alex the Aubergine ON HER OWN.

Alex the Aubergine began to speak to Paula the Potato, 'hold on to my Aubergine and hold on tight, as tight as you can!' Paula the Potato began to blush. She did as Alex the Aubergine had said and then he began to dig through the the earth and he dug very, very fast. Paula the Potato held on even tighter than before, she almost fell off at high speeds, and would've been a mashed Paula Potato bit kept holding on tighter. Alex the Aubergine suddenly stopped. He came out of the earth and both him and Paula the Potato was "standing" outside a strippers club. Alex the Aubergine didn't hesitate to go in but Paula the Potato called out, 'stop! That's a strip club for humans!' Alex the Aubergine stopped, turned around and smiled, 'I am a bisexual Aubergine meaning I like both vegetables and humans'

Paula the Potato sat on the floor and began to cry. Alex the Aubergine had left her outside on the sidewalk alone in the rain. Paula the Potato needed to find shelter before she became soggy but she saw through the window of the strip club that a naked human man was slicing Alex the Aubergine! Paula the Potato began to cry even more. Alex the Aubergine was having sex with the naked man. (Remember when I said if a human slices you, boils you, fries you, cooks you, or mashed you(as a vegetable) it's considered vegetable sex) .

Paula the Potato was getting very upset so she decided to crawl back through the earth, back to the farm where she would be potato-ismated against (potato version of being discriminated against).
She was crawling back but Paula the Potato was very slow. She began to get week, and she dropped. She was unconscious inside the earth while it was raining.

Come back to part 4 to see what happens next and, to be honest I think this was EVEN MORE DISTURBING THEN THE LAST PART. But I really really really promise, the next part will be more sad and MORE romantic then this part.

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