Black & White (Helmut Zemo)

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*Inspired by @cathy.strange on TikTok*

It has been three weeks to the day since Walker hit you good with Cap's shield. You had a bad feeling about him from the start but this just confirmed your hatred towards him.
   You've been staying behind on the missions with Sam and Bucky but you're ready to get back into it.
  Since you woke up the accident things definitely haven't been the same. For one, you're color blind. Everyone you see is in black and white. The doctors told Sam and Bucky that it will be permanent but the other day, without Sam or Bucky knowing, you slipped out and met up with an old friend who is now a psychic. You've been sitting on her words since then...

"But the doctors said color will never return for me...?" You question.
  "I understand, however I am tell you that once your soulmate walks into your life, it will be restored." Margret tells you.
  You shake your head and laugh, "That sounds like a loud of hallmark movie crap."
  "You are the one who came to me. I am telling you what I see." Margret.
  "I don't have a soulmate. You don't know what you're talking about." You state grabbing your belongings and leaving the room. Margret follows you out.
  "I know you don't believe me...but keep me updated."
  You glare at your friend, "I certainly will."

You're snapped out of your memories by Sam entering the hotel.
  "Bucky said to meet him at a storage barn out of town. You coming?" Sam asks.
  "Yeah, let's go."

You and Sam arrive and await Bucky's arrival. You walk around scoping out the area, securing your gun on your hip in case the Flagsmashers decide to join the party.
  "Hi gang." Bucky says entering the building.
Somethings off. You know your friend good enough.
"What's going on Bucky...?" You ask.

Bucky then dives into an entire "hypothetical" spiel which you know is not hypocritical in the slightest.

"I don't like how casual you're being about this. It's unnatural." Sam states.
  "Yeah, Bucky, what is going on?" You pause continuing to look around, "and where the hell are we?"

Just then a man in a security uniform appears through the doors. Sam looks over, knowing who it is. Bucky expects him already.
  "Whoa. No. What's he doing here." Sam retorts, going to make a move against his appearance.
"Sam, we need him." Bucky states.

"Who is that?" You ask.
The man steps into the light and your heart stops for a moment, you eyes see the man in full color. You look frantically around the room and gasp.

"If I may..." the stranger says in a beautiful accent.

Sam and Bucky both shout at the man, "No!"

"Apologies." He quietly says.

"Guys..." you quietly say. Staring at the man whom you can see in full color....Margret was right...

Annoyed, Sam asks "what is it?"

"I...I can see color..."

"That's impossible, y/n." Bucky says approaching you.
You lock eyes with the man, giving you a questioning look.

"Margret was right..." you say.

"Him?!" Bucky shouts at you. "Zemo is not your soul mate, y/n. That's the dumbest things I've ever heard."

"I didn't believe her...until now..." you say, not taking your eyes off of the man Bucky called, Zemo.


Please go show @cathy.strange some love on TikTok for letting me use her video as inspiration for this! ❤️
  Should this continue into a part to? Let me know!

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