Mishap (Sam Wilson)

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"So, tell me a little about yourself, y/n." Sam says, taking a sip of his coffee.

You awkwardly laugh, "Well, um. I enjoy traveling...watching movies...sorry I'm not too good at this."

"What do you tell all of your other dates?" He chuckles.

"I've never gotten this far with anyone before," you embarrassingly admit, sipping your latte.

Sam sets his cup down. "This is our second date. How have you never gotten this far before?"

"As you can see, I'm shy. I don't get out a whole lot. And we'll, I'm not down to screw on the first date like everyone wants to do now." You shrug.

"Ha, that's for sure." Sam laughs.

"What about you? Tell me about yourself." You ask.
"Well, that's isn't an easy question to answer..." Sam begins but is cut off by his phone ringing.
  "Hello?.....Now?...Okay...Yeah, I'll be there. Send me the route....Bye." Sam looks up at you and you know you're, once again, not getting very far. You really liked Sam too, so definitely disappointed.
  Same looks apologetically at you as he gets up from his chair and puts his leather jacket back on.
  "Look, I am really sorry about this..." he begins to say.
  "No, don't worry. I get it." You smile trying to convince Sam you're okay with him needing to leave.
   He heads for the door but stops and abruptly turns around. "Hey, why don't you come with me?" He asks.
  "What? Um, are you sure?"
"Yes, come on, get your coat and let's go." He urges.


You're sitting in a black car with a deep maroon interior, admiring the gadgets without touching. Sam must be rich. You've never seen anything like this car before in your life.
   "So...what is it that you do for a living?" You ask, continuing to look around.
   "If you're asking if I'm rich, the answer is most definitely no. This car was loaned to you me by an old friend." Sam explains.
  "Okay, but why is it that you keep dodging my question?"
  Sam pulls into a parking lot and puts the car in park, turning to look at you. He takes a deep breath, "Alright, so hear me out. I don't have one of those normal 9-5 jobs that are real nice, have vacation days, or gives you leave. I am part of the Avengers."
  "Wait, so like, you knew Captain America? And Iron Man?" You ask.
  "Tony let me borrow the car a while back. So, you're technically sitting in his car." Sam says just as there's a knock on the window. He turns around and opens the door.
  "Who is that? I thought you were coming alone. This is kind of a big deal, Sam."
  You lean over to get a better look at who is speaking. You see a handsome man in a leather jacket with leather gloves on leaning against the door of the car. He acknowledges you by a slight head nod in your direction.
   "Bucky, this is y/n. Y/n, Bucky." Sam introduces.
"Wait, you're Captain America's best friend...Bucky Barnes...right?"
  "Yes I am..." he answers.
Sam explains, " she just learned about what I do for a living. She's putting all of the pieces together, Buck."
   "Alright, well, we're you watching the news?" Bucky asks and you both get out of the car.
  "No, I was on a date with this fine lady, which is why she is here right now. We weren't done." Sam tells Bucky.
   Bucky pulls out his phone and pulls up a trending video, "Watch this."

*video plays of the announcement of the new Captain America*

As the video ends, Bucky puts his phone away and waits for an explanation.
  "Steve gave you the shield." He states.
"And I gave it to the museum! I felt like it belonged there, so everyone could go and see it and remember him. I didn't expect him to turn around and do this." Sam explains.
   "Well they did so now we need to figure out how to get it back." Bucky says. 
"I know some people in higher headquarters at the embassy that I could call. Not sure how much help it would be, but I could see what I can do?" You put out there.
  Sam speaks up, "No, i'm not getting you involved in this too, but I appreciate the gesture."
   "You brought me all the way out here with you for a reason, let me at least try to be useful." You say.
  Sam looks at Bucky who doesn't give an answer but he decides to agree with you and let you have at it. "Alright, but that's it. Give them a call in the morning and let us know." Sam tells you.
  You smile, feeing like you're almost working with the Avengers at this point. Or at least giving them a small favor they're in need of. You can only hope now that your friends could possibly help you with the shield mishap.

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