Shield (Walker-Bucky)

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"So what is our next move?" You ask, taking a sip of your coffee.
  "I made an appointment with John Walker..." Sam begins to say when Bucky, your boyfriend, interrupts him saying, "The douche you gave the shield to?"
You glare at Buck, "He gave it to the government, James. Drop it."
"Yeah, the man with the shield now." Sam says.
"Why did you want to meet with Walker?" You ask.
"We need to reason with him to give the shield back. It belongs in the museum." Sam explains.
"They just introduced him as Captain America...I doubt he will just give it back." You say.
  "It's worth a shot." Bucky says getting yo from the table. You and Sam share a glance and get up, following him to the car.

  Hours later, you, Sam and Bucky walk in to the lobby of your hotel. Sam is looking out for Walker, who should be there anytime.
  "Stop looking so pissed off, Buck." You say, walking over to your boyfriend and wrapping your arm around his, leaning your head against his shoulder. He smiles at you, placing a kiss on your head. "James."
He speaks up, "Okay okay. I just can't stand him."
"You've never met him. You just hate him because he is the new Captain America."
Sam jogs back up, "He's here."
"Smiiiile," you below Bucky and he produces a wimpy smile.
"Sam. Great to see you." Walker struts up and shakes Sams hand. He turns to Bucky, "Ah, Rogers' side man, nice to meet you." 
He turns to you, "And you are?"
"Y/n," you smile shaking his hand. "I'm glad to see someone keeping Cap's memory around."
  "Y/n, gorgeous name." He winks.
You take your hand back as you receive a pit in your stomach and glance at Bucky who is back showing off his bitch face.

"Why did you call me here?" Walker asks.

"You need to give up the shield." Bucky says, breaking his silence.

"Yeah well," Sam buds in, "I turned it in thinking they would keep it in the museum...not create another superhero the world doesn't need."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Walker asks again.

"It means you should just return the shield, you know it's the right thing to do..." you say, stepping forward.

"No, I don't think I will." He says causing Bucky to furrow his brows, crossing his arms.

Walker takes a long silent look at you then smiles, "You would be very valuable if you would join me and my partner."

"I'm sorry?"

"Come with us." He urges out of no where, taking your hand.

"She'll break your face, John." Sam says.

"This harmless thing?" She asks, pulling you closer and you can't free your hand from his tight hold. You grunt as your body hits his.

"I'll break it first." Bucky speaks up and tears you back, pushing Walker, being thrown on his back across the room.

"Bucky!" Sam shouts, running up to stop him from ending Walker's life.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Walker shouts at Bucky.

"Don't touch what is mine again." Bucky threatens as his metal arm is inches from Walker's face.
You run up to Bucky, placing your hand on his cheek, "Bucky, just leave him be. Please."
  His gaze is finally drawn away from Walker and to you, you smile again, communicating your desire with your eyes. He obeys your request and stands back up.
  You take Bucky's hand and pull him away, "Let's just go back to our room, okay? We could all use a break from this." You suggest.
   You glance back to see Sam having a word with Walker and forced him to leave...taking the shield with him.

"Go ahead Buck." You urge. "I'll meet you up there."

Bucky watched Walker leave before he leaves you alone and returns to the room.

Sam approaches you, "Damn."


"He took the shield." Sam says, walking you tot he elevator.

"I saw. He has no intention of returning it does he?" You ask.

"Not at all."

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