C H A P T E R T W O :

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B E G I N N I N G. . .

She woke up and felt her head being heavy, she sat up in the bed she was in and tried remembering where she was, she had no memory of the night before her let alone her entire life.

She began panicking and tried to find a door to go through but as she rose to her feet she fell back down with a thump at that moment men in rose coloured suits bombarded the room she was situated in and panic was ensued into her once again. "Do you gentlemen perharps know where I am , I am lost and well I do not know where I'm from."

They all looked at each other dazed thinking that she was tricking them because they knew who she was."Please help gentlemen i am lost and my legs refuse to work....please!" she cries out but they all stand looking at her. If she was playing a trick on them off course they would be on guard this is the same woman that they had been hunting down for years.

Just then a very young man walked in, he walked in with his shoulders broad and his chest puffed out though he stood out from the other men mostly because of his attire, instead of a rose coloured suit he wore a creme coloured suit and he whistled near to the lady...

"Now, now who do we have here?" The young lady felt petrified with what stood before her,though the young man bending down in front of her was handsome his aura came of as sketchy and as if instinctively she feared for her life."Were you not zealous to get out of my house now?" the man rather asked sarcastically "Uhm no actually i was looking for someone to come tell me what happened to me because i have no memory of how i have landed here in this beautiful home of yours." the woman states.

The man looks down at her impressed of how she composed her lie without one stutter. "You don't know what happened huh?" the woman proceeds to nod her head in a yes motion seeing as she knew no one believed her even though she didn't know who they were. "So you are saying you do not know my name, and what I do?" she nods her head again "Oh and before you can tell me more about your self good sir please what is my name?"

The man looks at her and puffs on his cigar ,it looked like he was starting to get irritated and there was a shift in his mood as soon as he grabbed her neck and puffed the smoke directly in her face, he seethes out "Listen to me, I do not take kindly to your mind games do you understand!"

The lady claws at the mans hands around her neck and she squirms. "Why I rather! You are nothing but a good for nothing yob!" The man laughs a wicked cackle "Oh baby i'm not a yob..i'm the devil incarnate!" the last part was growled out by the guy and yet she did not shiver , she grabbed his hands from her neck and she pushed them away.

"I may not know who you are, where I am and who I am but I know this I will not allow you to put your hands on me sir!" The lady was not aware that she struck a chord in the man "I am Kane Wayte, i am well known for my business associates and you my lady your name is Ruby Baas and you....stole from me and i am prepared to let you pay for every loss you have caused me my pretty lady and as i can see you have a very smart mouth, should i teach you a lesson?"

The lady expected fear to rub off on her but all she stressed was that her buttocks was getting numb from being on the floor for very long "Okay Kane please help me off of the floor ,my buttocks are getting pretty much numb from being on your precious tile for so long...my legs seem to have a problem so please after putting me on the bed explain how i landed up in your house if i am a so called fugitive."

The man grit his teeth in annoyance and signalled to his men to pick Ruby from off of the floor "Thank you very much you giant statues." Out of the corner of his eye Kane saw some of his men snicker and he did not appreciate his convict making his security guards laugh, "Now you obnoxious thief tell me , where have you been hiding out and why was it suddenly so easy to find you ,was this a trap because acording to my bounty hunters you've been out in hiding.

"I am really hungry and parched would you mind getting me some food thank you very much." she closes her eyes, this woman was acting as if she was not in the lions den, and she does not realise the lion is getting impatient. Internally she smiles and pats her back.

"Do not piss me off woman! I will not hesitate to finish you off like your pathetic puny family, now lets see you go all crazy and want to get revenge on me."

"I am not cliche and I didnt know I had a family so maybe when I do find out more about myself maybe thats when I'll go all crazy now please get me food."

Kane looks distraught he had thoughts of her screaming her lungs at him and going all emotional, of course he was bluffing because he's never met her famiLy before, the same way she disappeared off the face of the earth thats the same way he hasn't heard or seen any connections to this thief, so he said that to get a reaction from her and she how she could've handled the so called news of the murder of her family...but nothing she was neutral. The man took out his pistol and aimed it for her head.

"The way I want to shoot the medula oblaganta out of you right now has me fired up....you are playing another trick you have not lost any memory, am I right?"

She nods her head and hold a small smirk "Of course baby, so know that i'm angry that you threw me off the balcony."

"I had to make it believable to my father that i killed you and strangely you've been out cold for long...that's why i was so worried about you." the lady nods her head...her memory takes her back to the plans her and her longtime boyfriend had years ago the father of the man hated Ruby because she attempted to steal from him though he's son fell in love with the lady, Kane snr hatched a plan and tried killing her off and the only way for Kane jnr to get the back he's fathers trust he had to pretend to kill her off but the plan failed terribly and got a concussion and lost her memory, she's been living in a remote country with the name Anastasia Reeds with the family that took care off her..until she regained her memory and set back to the mansion she was practically killed when she suddenly fell into a pool and drowned hence landing her in the Wayte house with her legs and buttocks numb.

"I am never following through with your plans ever again." the man shushes her and hugs her while she's in bed since she cannot walk so until her legs...and buttocks could recover, before he sent his chef to make food for the woman he loved he uttered the words 'I love you Ruby.'




Well my banging bears see you in the next chapter. (😗)

That's what's banging,


- @its.kemopedi✨

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