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C H A P T E R T H R E E : F R I E N D O R F O E ?

The young and opiniated young man , sat around the desk and sipped on his whiskey and alongside was the cunning but charming young woman. They both planned out how they would move on from her little theft incident years ago. When Kane's father came back from his trip to Indonesia he was angered by the sight of the lady that he almost ended her there and then,but little did he know they would stick to the 'She lost her memory trick' even the guards knew their parts and all they had to do was play it out carefully or face the wrath of the young blood.

"Utter rubbish so you say that she's lost her memory...I still would not trust her, that is like me trusting a snake with my eyes blindfolded and I will not be allowed to be treated as a fool by you millenials you hear me, especially you Kane she is going to hurt you mark my words, and me I will be sitting wherever I am telling your obnoxious pig headed fool that I was right all long." the man turned around and left the two love birds in the room but not before he sneered at the actress of a woman.Purely within him only hatred brewed ,every sight of the lady disgusted him and churned his insides out ,he felt like puking because that is how much the woman disgusted him...he turned his hatred for her into a full blown out murder plan. "Imagine me being conned out by a delilah,disgraceful." the man says rather much out loud. "Excuse me sir, since i've gotten here all you've shown me was pure hostility and i do not appreciate it,as i have said i do not know you and why i rather if i am a delilah then you are nothing more but a goliath."

Out of the corner of her eye the lady saw Kane holding in a snicker and tried not to laugh too, when she looks directly at the self-proclaimed man she called Goliath she could go on and on with refrerring him to the bad characters in the bible. He held his words to himself and left the room and once he was out Kane could'nt hold back his laughter anymore and he nearly chokes on his whisky and he also nearly topples over from the laughter."If he finds out your scheme your surely dead this time around." The man says nearing closer to Ruby ,he holds his hands in hers and the guards took that as a sign to leave them in their privacy ,closing the door shut behind them.


The moment her eyes flutter open she stiffles a yawn, scratches her head and looks to her side, she blinks vigorously and looks at Kane and sneers. She mutters under her breath that how she hates this life. She unwraps the mans arms around her waist and she throws on a t-shirt that was laying on the floor and climbed down the stairs and went into the kitchen, as she takes out an apple and a jug of water from the fridge she looks up on the wall and she directly faces the clock. "Have you no shame put on clothes you Devil." Ruby shrieks and looks behind her to see Kane snr. He looks directly at her face clearly avoiding her loer region, Ruby figured she had to play her card. "You pervet, have you been looking at me all along?" The man smiles disgustingly and pushes her out of the way for him to open the fridge and takes out a water bottle. Deciding to ignore her statement"For a woman who has clearly forgotten her memory ,you and my son have gotten rather comfortable , back in bed with my son to trick him, i see right through you Rrrrrruby your nothing but a phony and the day my son finds out the conniving snake you are his gonna kill you off!" Ruby kept a cool composure and bit into her fruit and sneered at the man"I truly do not know what you are talking about Sir , and yes i've taken a real liking towards your son because he claims that me and him were rather cosy with each other in the past so i figured if this man was my rock and shield he can be that again, so i'm giving him the chance of love with me again,i'm prepared to give him my all."

"Ruby, Ruby, Ruby as i said i am not someone to be played with, you may think this game you playing is going in the right direction but let me tell you i know all your moves..step by step" as he neared closer and closer towards her face ,she slapped him "You are invading my personal space you Goliath ,do you mind not inching your face so close to mine, you a causing me to be very very claustrophobic thank you very much."she walked out the kitchen door and was lead into the backyard garden as it was a early morning a zephyr was present. "I do not appreciate the fact that you were not in my arms when i woke up and now i look at you standing outside in nothing but my t-shirt showing off all of you." the woman heard from behind her and she internally rolls her eyes thinking to herself that did any of the people sleep here. "I just came out to get fresh air ,i was burning up." the woman says without turning around, Kane nears closer behind her and wraps his arms around her waist and she clenches her jaw. "But still i do not appreciate waking up to myself Ru it makes me feel lonely." Ruby turns around and directly faces Kane ,since he was slightly shorter than her she didnt have a problem looking into his eyes."You are so zany ,you are clearly joking with me, so you are telling me that all that time i've been gone you have been sleeping by yourself." the man averts his eyes from her"Not really..." and she giggled, Because of her tall frame when Kane put his head down it landed on her chest. "I know you Kane and if you think i am outraged by what you have done then your wrong, who knows maybe i slept with other men when i left here, because i was not in my right state of mind"

Kane kept quiet and brought her head down to his level and he kissed her, The young man being a hopeless romantic he went into his room and brought a blanket and some pillows and a glass of champagne for his lover and a glass of cognac for himself. They sat together outside in the garden looking at the zenith and watching as the sun peeped out of the clouds. Little did they know that Kane snr. was watching them from the comfort of his bedroom sipping on his water bottle. He was counting down the days till the vile woman would betray his son, in his head that's all women ever did in his eyes betray him.After the couple had their little moment Kane took a shower and announced to his personal assistant that she should cancel his meetings.


Whass'poppington?! hi babies, how you guys doing?

Ya'll spiritually okay? Happy? Healthy?

well I love you regardless.

Well my banging bears see you in the next chapter. (😗)

That's what's banging,


- @its.kemopedi✨

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