Near Death Doesn't Count As a Sick Day

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Trigger Warning, this chapter describes a serious injury from falling off of a balcony, and there are a lot of mentions of blood. Nothing is too gory, but it is semi detailed.


Pain rippled through my body as my knees collided with the ground below me. The flames of pain licked up my legs and I shakily stood up. But I didn't have time to tend to my wounds, the adults above me were yelling and I had to go now.

Cooper looked at me with a mix of respect and annoyance before swiftly grabbing my forearm and tugging me up.

"Since you're being such a dumbass, we've been a little compromised. Can you walk comfortably?" He asked me, glancing at my knees which were spotted in blood.

"Does it really matter?" I grimaced, sucking in my breath as adrenaline pumped through me.

"No. Let's go." Cooper said strictly and pulled on my arm, both of us taking off. The pain in my legs was subsided by my fear and excitement. I dashed after him, one or both legs sometimes buckling from agony and blood loss, only to be yanked up by Cooper.

I didn't have time to falter, not with the angry mob of administrators after. According to my father's payments, I couldn't get into trouble, but I wasn't sure how wide spread that knowledge was. Also, I was afraid that if they caught us money wouldn't hold. This was a little more extreme than dressing inappropriately.

Sweat poured down my forehead as I ran through the grassy track field. I wasn't sure where we were running to, in my mind the goal was just getting away, but Cooper seemed to have an idea of where to go.

"Where are we going?" I yelled at him, wind smashing against my face.

"Locker rooms! Just keep running!" He screamed back, and I ran a bit faster to try and keep up with his breakneck pace.

Soon I saw the faint figure of the locker rooms, glancing back I saw the advancing mass of people. Running as fast as I could, I looked down to see that my legs were red from blood. I needed medical help.

Making the final dash, we slid inside. The interior was an echo chamber of the sounds of water crashing. The room was filled with identical sea foam green lockers. Cooper looked back nervously at the oncoming group.

"Listen, I'll get what we need. You get to a shower, wash off that blood." His body rippled in discomfort looking at my injury, "There's an office in here, grab whatever band aids you can find. It won't be perfect, but it's something."

"What are you doing?" I was shocked, and my voice peaked with confusion.

"Fucking run!" He screamed at me, his voice cracking. I froze for a second before nodding in understanding. I took off towards the showers.

Slipping into a stall, I promptly fell to my knees, the pain finally catching up to me. I had a while, there were several people in this room, and they wouldn't open the showers to see who was who. All I had to do was not scream. Easy.

I flipped on the shower head, my eyes watering from the burning across my body. Hot water splashed onto me, drenching my clothes. I inhaled deeply, trying to hold back from crying out. As water washed away the crimson drips, I saw the main source. My thighs, knees, and calfs had taken several hits.

It was a combination of falling off the balcony, and various cuts and deep scratches from the bush I landed in. It occurred to me that if there wasn't a bush, I might be dead. This thought swam in my head for a second before I pushed it off. It didn't matter if I almost was dead, I was alive now and I needed to deal with this.

I sat under the stream of water for a few seconds, my breath hitching every time a droplet of water would bounce into a cut. Eventually, I stood up. I was soaked, but not seeing gore across my body did psychologically help. Leaning against the tiled walls, I coughed and steadied myself.

I knew which office Cooper was talking about, and knew I had to get there quickly. Slowly I pushed open the door, then I dashed. A mixture of water and blood trailed me as I ran into the office, collapsing onto the lounge chair.

Furiously I scavenged the drawers until I found a pack of kid's band aids. I plastered them across my legs until I looked like a 2008 scene kid dream, my lower half covered in colorful strips. Because of this covering, my blood started to clot and I stopped bleeding profusely. I felt myself become more stable.

Standing up with more confidence I made eye contact with myself in a full length mirror outside. My clothes were stuck to my body from sweat and water, and a lot of clothing was torn or missing. My legs were practically bare, the skin covered in band aids. My shoes were scuffed and beaten, and red splotches dyed my clothes. But I felt powerful.

I survived this, I could survive anything. I looked at myself with a new found respect, and smiled. I looked insane, but raised my right hand and swiped some blood from my leg. I dramatically rubbed it onto my face with my middle finger and thumb, making a joker smile.

This was hilarious to me, and I started to giggle. Look at me, over dramatic much? I chuckled at my state and stretched my ankles, prepared to start running and meet up again with Cooper.

Then I passed out.

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