Chapter 5 - Swallowing my pride, struggling to stay alive

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I heard the music play but before they began to sing I shut the door behind me and the sound from inside the room faded away. I walked further down the hall where I finally leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. This was not happening.

"What are you doing?!"

I opened my eyes and found Elena standing in front of me. I sighed. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you're running away because you're scared" she raised her eyebrows.

I looked at her. "Yes, okay, I am scared. Happy?"

She shook her head. "Not until you talk to him"

"That's not going to happen. He might not even remember me!"

"Well, then you've got nothing to worry about" she said.

We stood there quiet for a while. In the meantime I was trying to let everything in. He was here, in the same club as me, and I could easily go up and talk to him. But the question was - did I really want to?

I don't know how it happened, but somehow Elena convinced me to go back in there. The boys had already finished and they were now walking around in the room, chatting to anyone they could find. I was completely numb and I couldn't do anything about the fact that she was taking me closer and closer to Tom. Before I knew it we were standing behind him and Elena poked his shoulder. He turned around.

"Hi, my name is Elena" she said with the cutest smile. "Great performance tonight!"

Tom gave out that beautiful smile of his. "Thank you"

"Oh, this is my friend" she said and directed him to me. I took a deep breath. He looked me straight in the eyes and I thought I was going to pass out. He put out his hand. "I'm Tom"

I shook it. "Cazzie" I mumbled and my gaze flickered.

I got to watch how his entire body froze



"Cheer up, mate!" Max complained. "It's saturday night, go and have some fun!"

"Kelsey didn't show up" I muttered.

"I don't mean to be rude, but it's over. You have to forget about her"

"Whatever" I snapped before I walked away. I tried to find people that wanted to talk to me, and it wasn't that difficult. I felt somebody nudge my shoulder and I turned around. There was a pretty blonde and a cute brunette. The blonde girl was smiling at me meanwhile the brunette was staring down at the floor. She complimented our performance and immediately introduced me to her friend, which I found a bit odd since the brunette didn't seem at all interested in me. I took the high way though and reached out my hand. "I'm Tom" I said.

She finally looked up at me, but she seemed nervous. "Cazzie" she replied, so quiet I could barely hear. But as soon as her voice reached my ears, everything in my body stopped working. My muscles weren't moving, my heart wasn't pounding and my lungs weren't breathing. My brain brought me back to that one night last year, the night that had haunted my dreams for weeks. She looked a bit different now, but the fact that she was acting so strange only confirmed my suspicions. It was her.


I'll be your personal soldier (Tom Parker fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن