Chapter 12 - I could stay awake, just to hear you breathing

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I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it. Tom and Jay burst in without waiting for an invitation. "You are coming with us!" he said. "This is Jay by the way" he added and pointed back at the curly boy.

Jay reached out his hand and I shook it. "Cassandra" I greeted.

"Cazzie, I know" he smiled. "I've heard a lot about you"

"All good I hope" I said and glanced at Tom. He smirked. "May I ask where we're going?

"Sightseeing" he said.

"I've lived in London my whole life" I pointed out.

"Yes, but how many things have you actually seen?" he asked. He turned around when he heard a noise from the kitchen. "Is Elena here?" he asked, and when I nodded he continued. "Good, then she's coming too"

I don't know how, but in some way they managed to persuade both of us and soon we were on our way out. Tom was wearing the funniest hat ever together with a pair of sunglasses, and Jay didn't look much better. They said it was for disguise, but I was pretty sure that was just an excuse they used to be able to look like that.

We went to see Big Ben - which I'd actually been to hundreds of times before. Although that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it. Tom and Jay were absolutely insane and it didn't take that long for Elena and I to join their madness. We were jumping around, screming and laughing. Yes, we laughed a lot, more than I had in weeks.

We'd had so many plans when we left my flat this morning but Big Ben was the only place we actually went to see. After that we just walked around on the streets in london, went inside different shops and I actually managed to make Tom buy a cozy cardigan.

"It's just like the one I saw you wear in a video once" I pleaded. "It's so cute"

He turned to me. "Have you been checking me out on youtube?" he asked. My cheeks turned red and before I could answer he laughed. "I'm flattered. Fine, I'll get it then"

We left the shop. It was around 4pm and Jay wanted to go for a beer, but neither Elena or I wanted to, so Jay took off to meet up with some other friends.

"Great, what am I going to do then?"  Elena sighed.

"We're still here?" I said.

"I don't like being the third wheel" she smirked.

I rolled my eyes at her before I dragged her along the street with Tom on my other side. We found an ice-cream bar, bought one each and sat down by the water. Elena was asking Tom quite a lot about their carreer and what they got to do. I wasn't really listening - the sun was shining for once so I enjoyed the vague warmth on my bare skin and I drifted off with my own thoughts. Somehow my mind led me back to last year, to the morning my sister had ruined. She had actually looked me in the eyes and agreed with me that Tom had been an awful scumbag for just taking off like that. I had never really been close with my sister but that morning I'd actually told her everything that happened, really opened up. Who was the scumbag now?

I sighed and returned back to reality. Tom looked at me. "Everything okay?" he asked. I nodded and let out a little smile. Then I looked at my phone.

"Shit, my shift starts in an hour" I whined. I had the last shift of the day tonight, which meant I had to leave right now if I didn't want to be late. I caught a glimpse of sadness in Tom's eyes and i smiled to myself, even if it wasn't at all funny.

"I'm going to go too" Elena said and stood up. "Actually, I've got to run. See you guys later!"

We watched as she walked away, but when Tom turned his back at her she stopped. I shook my head but couldn't help laughing. Tom frowned. "Elena" I explained and rolled my eyes again.

Tom laughed but didn't look her way. Instead he looked straight at me. "I had fun today"

I smiled. "Me too. So, am I going to see you again or are you going to be busy with the band?" I asked and raised my eyebrows.

He smiled. "I'm sure we can work something out". He quickly glanced at my lips but seemed to change his mind in the last second because instead I felt his lips on my cheek, just as the last time. "I'll call you" he said and I gave him a smile before he walked away.

Elena was standing about fifty feet away and she threw her arms out and mouthed '"What the hell?!"

I shrugged, shook it off and then I started walking towards the bus stop.

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