Chapter 9 - What is love? Part 1

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 I banged my hands on the door. "Open up, open up!" I shouted.

The door flung open and I was met by a confused Sheila. "Cazzie, what are you doing?" she frowned at me.

"Where is it?!" I hissed as I pushed her aside. I continued into her kitchen and went straight for the drawer I knew she kept important papers. If she still had it, it would be here. I started rummaging through it, throwing everything useless on the floor.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Sheila shouted as she followed me into the room. She was still in her PJ's even though it was almost 2pm.

"I know what you did!" I shouted back as I kept searching. She walked up to me, screamed at me to stop and tried to rip the papers out of my hands. I fought back as much as I could - she was stronger than me. We must have looked like two cats fighting over the last piece of fish. "Where is it? Or maybe you threw it away?" But in that moment I spotted a yellow notepad-paper and I stopped. She froze too as I picked it up and she realized what I was talking about.

"Cazzie..." she mumbled.

I looked at her, my eyes filled with tears. "You actually took it" I whispered. "I didn't want to believe it". I watched how her hand landed on my shoulder, but I shook it off and took a few steps back. I couldn't stop staring at her.

"You should be thankful" she said.

"Thankful? For what? You caused me weeks of misery because I though that the man of my dreams had taken advantage of me!" I screamed. "You caused him misery because he though that I didn't want to see him again!"

"Look, Cazz, I'm your sister, I'm just trying to take care of you. I made a decision for you, one that you wouldn't have been able to make yourself" she said in a calm, steady voice.

"You had no right to try and take control of my life! Why would you even do that? Do you really hate me so much you actually have to take away the little happiness I get?" I was shaking uncontrollably.

"I did it for you, okay?! I saw him running down the stairs and I recognized him. Then I spotted that note on your table - with his signature! -  and I took it. He's in a boyband, he's the biggest player in the world!"

To any outsider she would probably sound like a caring, considerate sister. But I knew her better than that. Whatever her reason was, she hadn't done this for me. She did it for her, and herself only. She walked up to me and this time I didn't stop her when she tried to put her hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, baby sis, cheer up" she said with a smile. "How about we do something tonight? We could go for a couple of drinks?

I looked up and met her gaze. I shook my head very slowly. "No" I whispered. "You crossed the line, Sheila. This is unacceptable. It's unforgivable" I kicked the pile of papers on the floor and headed for the door.

"Don't do this, I'm your sister" She shouted after me.

"Not anymore" I snapped before I left the building. It wasn't hard to find a taxi. Without thinking I gave the driver Tom's address. I thought about how I'd left things with him and my stomach twisted. I wiped a tear away that had managed to find its way out. I saw how the driver looked at me and for that tenth of a second as he met my eyes I wanted to scream at him. I held it in though, paid the money and got out. I walked straight up to the door and knocked firmly this time.

The door opened. My eyes were filled with tears again. "Cazzie?" he whispered. I held up the note that he'd left me a year ago. When I looked up and saw those familiar eyes I burst out crying. He brought me inside and pulled me in for a hug.

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