The Monkey and Crows story

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Back at the shrine, They came up with a lie to avoid telling Rei where the crows were.

"Phobos and Deimos were what?" Rei asked confused over what they told her. "They were attacked by a monkey." Usagi told first. 

"Are you guys lying to me?" Rei asked the siblings. "No." Shingo answered. 

They continued the story, "We saw the crows at the jungle. The two birds were sniffing some fruits when a monkey jumped from the tree, It threw a coconut at the birds because it wanted the fruit." Usagi told Rei.

She continued, "When the birds were knocked out, The monkey then took the birds and it hid them in its tree." Usagi lied.

"Yes. It's all true, We saw it for real, We couldn't believe it ourselves." Shingo added trying to suppress his lying habits. 

After the lengthy story, Shingo realised that he told the most stupid story in his life. 

Rei broke down and she began crying. "She's crying." Shingo whispered to Usagi. Usagi just made an evil victory face and she cheered for herself internally.

Shingo learned a listen in Girls and Women: They are emotional beings. 

Shingo's imagination then conjured up images of a flood to illustrate how heavy women's tears were.

"Poor Phobos and Deimos." Rei sobbed. "Do you have anything nice to say to her?" Shingo asked. "Why? Do you know how long I waited for this?" Usagi asked.

Shingo took a deep breath and he told her the truth.

"Phobos and Deimos didn't die." Shingo began. Rei stopped crying and she listened, "They didn't?" she asked. Usagi was skeptical, "What do you mean by they didn't?" Usagi questioned Shingo's claim.

Shingo corrected himself, "We saw wrongly, It was a cobra snake." he explained. "A cobra snake?!" Usagi asked feeling suspicious of the truth.

"Yes. It was a snake with the eyes of Phobos and Deimos." Shingo told Rei. He continued, The snake took the monkey not Phobos and Deimos." he told Rei.

Rei who was no longer crying sensed their presence elsewhere. "I knew they're out there somewhere." Rei proclaimed. 

"We shall continue to look for Phobos and Deimos." Shingo told Rei. "No way! We didn't steal them." Usagi retorted. 

"Don't care, I'm going to report you to the police." Rei scared Usagi.

Usagi fought back, "Go ahead, You think I'm scared of the police?!" she asked Rei.

"Are you crazy?! You wanna go to jail because of a honeydew melon?" Shingo asked trying to reason with his sister. 

"I'm going to tell Ikuko, your mom." Rei threatened Usagi with fear. 

"Go ahead, You think I'm scared of my mom?!" Usagi bravely retorted back. 

Nobody spoke after the last remark, Rei went to her bedroom and the siblings went to town to cool off again.

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