Mortals Meet Percabeth | Sassy Stupidhead

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Hi peasant. I am Sassy Stupidhead. Don't let my name fool you, I am as smart as a brick, which is to say very smart. I have *totally not dyed* blonde hair and beautiful TOTALLY NATURAL emerald green eyes (*cough* contacts *cough*). I am beautiful, smart, athletic, flexible, hot, strong, skinny, kind, and popular. 

"Queen Sassy!" my peasant, I mean friend, called out. "Here's your daily crown and dress!" 

"Ugggh! It only has 43 diamonds!! I need at least 44! Burt, punish her!" I said to one of my current boyfriends. My rule is that I must have at least as many diamonds as boyfriends I have had in my last week, and oddly, I only have had 44 this week. Oh well, there are still 5 days to go. Burt took out a sledgehammer and whacked her a few times. She was such a failure. She ran off to buy another crown with 44 diamonds. 

I dismissed Burt and my other servants (if they were even worthy of that title) and went inside of Goode High School. I strutted (A/N: sl**ted) around and saw Percy Jackson, the only boy in school. 

"Hey Percy," I said seductively, "Me, you, my bed, tonight?" I asked. He looked at me horrified, and I took that as a yes. "Mk, see you then!" I turned to walk away but he yelled "NO!"

"Why not?" I asked, puzzled.

"I have a girlfriend." he said.

"Bahhahahhahaha no you don't silly! Besides me, of course."

"She and some of my friends are going to pick me up. If you don't believe me, follow me after school." With that, he walked away.

I ran around and told everyone to follow Percy after school because he was *FINALLY* going to announce that he was in love with me and I didn't want anyone to miss it.

Time passed slowly. However, I still got every question correct. For example, in Math, I answered 2 + 2 and got 5. Finally, everyone was dismissed from school and me and around 150 kids were following Percy. He walked up to a food truck with the words "Delphi's Strawberries" painted on the front. On the sides, the drivers had hung signs saying "Persassy Forever!" and I smiled. 

I called out "Thank you, Percy. I love you too." and Percy looked confused. 

"Wha-" he asked. One of the people in the truck got out and whispered something in his ear. He whispered something back. 

"Soo babe, who are these people in the truck?"

"First of all, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND DON'T LIKE YOU, and second of all, Persassy doesn't mean what you think. But fine, these are [insert names and dating status of Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Nico, Thalia, Reyna, Hazel, and Frank because I'm lazy]

Piper, Annabeth, and Hazel were all ugly and their boyfriends were all hot, so I fully expected an o**y with the guys tonight. I ran up to Percy and attempted to kiss him, but he swatted me away like a fly and pulled out a sword. 

"Back away or I'll use this." he warned. Everyone that went to Goode backed away and he said "We're going to Brooklyn to meet up with some friends. Don't follow us. And with that, he left.

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(A/N: Did you really think that was the end?)

Quickly, I ran over to the nearest car dealership and stole a car. I pulled up Google Maps and asked "Show me the directions to Brooklyn"

Instead of the normal, Sassy Stupidhead will answer all of your questions in the comments so ASK YOUR QUESTIONS now!

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