Soviet x child reader

476 8 3

Requested by Im_On_Your_Ceiling.
I honestly love the idea of this so it was fun to write this. I hope this meets your expectations. 😅
Also I do not speak russian so please correct me if something is wrong since I'll be using google translate.
Beware I kinda 'curse' lol
(You're his child btw.)

It was around 1 A.M early in the morning and Soviet only now has arrived back at his manor. Some guards opened the gate for him to drive in and park his car. He locked the car and went to go inside. Soviet sighed as he went into the welcoming warmth of his home, taking of his shoes and his coat. He smiled softly as he held his ushanka in his hands, knowing very well that you loved it. After looking at it for a minute he placed it on the table in the living room. He looked up in the hallway towards your room, seeing your pale, sweating and shaking self stand there with your (f/p) (favorite plushy). Of course like any parent would, he got concerned and picked you up, holding you securely within his arms.

S: привет милый, что ты делаешь так поздно? Ты хорошо себя чувствуешь?
(hey there honey, what are you doing up so late? Are you feeling alright?)

You shook your head, no, you haven't been feeling fine.

Y/N: Папа, мне очень холодно .. Я ...
(Papa, I'm really cold.. I...)

Before you could even finish your sentence you went into a cough fit. Mind you, it was mid summer in the USSR and you still froze. Unlike your older silbings Russia, Belaurus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan you didn't had the best immune system. It didn't help neither that you were only 5 years. For your Father you were precious. His little and petite sunflower which he swore to protect, even if it costs his own life. Mind you, you were the only female within the family. Except for your Mother, who had past away a few years back, during birth.

Your Father brought you to the kitchen were he got a thermometer and put it under your arm (in the armpit) and went to make you a heating bottle, so hopefully you would stop shaking from being terrible cold. The thermometer peeped and as he looked at the number his eyebrows furrowed. 38° C. (I think about 100,4 Fahrenheit) That was quite high, especially for such a weak and young child. He got some syrup out which didn't taste that bad. (In germany there is cough and fever syrup that taste like Licorice. Jealous?)

Y/N: Папа, могу я переспать с тобой сегодня вечером?
(Papa, can I sleep with you for tonight?)

You asked timidly. Of course, you knew your father wouldn't laugh at you or something like that especially not when you're sick, but you couldn't helo but kinda feel ashamed to ask such question. Fortunately for you he answered with a soft 'yes' and a kiss on your forehead. Soviet placed you on his (huge ass) bed and went to fetch a washing cloth, made it wet with cold water and gently placed it onto your forehead. The heating Pad (obviously) came underneath your shirt onto your stomach and then he tugged you in. Before heading to the bathroom, to change him himself for the night he brushed a few hair strands that got stuck on the washing cloth and your sweating face. Not even 5 minutes later he returned and layed down next to you, pulling your smoll (hehe me like-y smoll things) body into his, where you burried your face into his chest. Your father rubbed comfortingly your back and kissed sometimes your forehead until you drived off into dream land before falling asleep himself with a smoll smile on his face.

Might add picture later if I find a good one idk
It is finished

Ehm... ja, the mexico x male reader smut fluff shall come hopefully within next week or so. Until then you shall give me more requests my dudes. Until then! 😅😂

(673 Words)

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