Third Reich x child reader

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Alright, so before you start reading this, I just wanna put a heads up first. I do not support nazis or anything close to that. I'm a very neutral person. Now that we got this out of the way let's get on with the story. I just thought this concept is cute. If this should offend anyone just write me privately and I'll take this down. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS NOT HISTORICALLY ACCURATE.

You're in this story 8 years old.

Small prologue

Third Reich was your father. Now, some may say that you have it probably very terrible but that's very far from the truth. Your father was by nature a very strict, rude and mean man. So everyone  expected to treat you badly or you wouldn't have much freedom. It's actually not like that. He helped you with your homework, at least when he was at home, played occasionally with you, brought you gifts and so on. Sure, your father could get very strict, especially when learning for a test. But he just wanted the best for you. Reich wanted you to have good grades, but he didn't care about if it was once a bad one or so. He loved you, unconditionally. And he made sure to show you so.

𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐, 12.11.1920, 7:30 𝙰.𝙼, 𝙱𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗

Third Reich prepared your breakfast and your food for school. He had been already once in your room today, telling you to wake up and get ready. Still nothing. For as much as he loved you Reich got kinda mad. You had school in 40 minutes and you still haven't gotten up. Reich went to your room where you where still in bed. "Y/n! Steh auf! Du hast Schule in 40 Minuten." You woke up and got dressed. Tears streaming down your face you went school ready downstairs, eating quickly your breakfast before putting on your shoes and coat. "Y/N, hast du nicht etwas vergessen?" Your father put an scarf around your neck. "Wir wollen ja nicht, dass dir kalt wird, oder? Und lauf bitte vorsichtig, es hat geschneitt und es liegt bestimmt Eis." After that he made sure that your coat was closed correctly. He kissed your forehead gently, telling you he loved you before sending you off to school.


School has finished and you were on your way home. You sat on the wall of a fountain and just watched people for a second. A group of 4 other children, seemingly a little bit older than you are, came up to you. They started making fun of you. One decided to push you with your backpack back into the ice cold water of the fountain. You got back up, now being soaked from head to toe, cold as hell and shaking. The group ran away laughing at you while you were close to crying. You got your backpack and went back home.

Time skip

It was about 1 P.M when you got back home. It was -15 Celsius degrees (sorry to all them americans or british people out there I'm european xD) and you were soaking wet. When you arrived home you were not only completely frozen through but also sick. You nose was very runny but you felt tingly all over and not well at all. At this point you were crying, you didn't know how your father would react about you being sick and your books being ruined.  Before you entered you took of your shoes and your socks and put them at the door, as to not make a mess. Just as you did that and were about to take of your backpack including your coat your father came around to greet you. "Schatz? Hey warum weinst du denn...oh..- Was-Was ist passiert Süße?"  He asked while helping you getting your coat of and hanging it somewhere to dry. "I-ich saß am Rand des Stadtbrunnens und wollte mich nur kurz ausruhen aber dann kamen diese K-kinder und haben mich ausgelacht und mich mit meinem Rantzen in das Wasser geschubst. M-meine Bücher... sind jetzt vollkommen nass....E-Es tut mir leid, Vater." You cried. Reich got down to your level and wiped away the tears running down your face. "Sh,sh,sh,sh. Heyyyy, schau mich an, ok? Schau mir in die Augen. Es ist nicht deine Schuld, ich werde das mit der Schule regeln. Zur Not übernehme ich auch die Kosten. Aber das spielt jetzt keine Rolle. Du brauchst ein warmes Bad, du bist komplett durchgefrohren, meine Süße." Your father said to you as he took you to the bathroom. He let in some warm water and left to get you some changing clothes. When the tub was full you went in (of course he had looked away for privacy.) "Kannst...Könntest du mir vielleicht gleich bei meinen Hausaufgaben helfen?" You asked. Your father smiled while humming in agreement. "Aber lass uns erstmal dich schön warm kriegen, warm anziehen und dir was zu essen machen, ja? Du bist sicherlich krank... ich lass dich erstmal zuhause für 3-4 Tage und dann schauen wir mal weiter." He said calmly while detangling your hair.


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢, 8 𝙿.𝙼

Reich lovingly tugged you in, in your warm bed with a nice and warm heating pad to keep you warm. (Dont judge me using so much the word warm) after a Bedtime story he turned on your nightlight and left the door open, incase you needed him.

An hour later he went to check up on you.

"Weißt du... Manche Menschen mögen mich wirklich nicht. Und ich kann auch verstehen warum. Ich bin nicht immer der netteste und ich hab auch viele schlimme Sachen in meinem Leben getan, aber du, mein Schatz, bist das beste dass mir je passieren hätte können. Manchmal wünschte ich, ich könnte dich immer beschüzten aber ich weiß, dass das nicht geht, da du irgendwann dein eigenes Leben haben wirst, wenn du groß bist. Dann wirst du vielleicht ein Ehemann haben und schöne Kinder. Ich will nur das du weißt, dass ich dich vom tiefsten meines Herzens liebe und ich stolz auf dich bin. Auch wenn ich es nicht immer zeige." He whispered to your sleeping form with tears in his eyes. Reich smiled and went then to bed himself.

German translations into english:

Y/n! Steh auf! Du hast Schule in 40 Minuten. = Y/N, wake up, you've got school in 40 minutes.

Y/N, hast du nicht etwas vergessen? = Y/n, didn't you forgot something?

Wir wollen ja nicht, dass dir kalt wird, oder? Und lauf bitte vorsichtig, es hat geschneitt und es liegt bestimmt Eis. = We wouldn't want you to get cold, right? And please walk careful, it snowed and there is probably ice on the sidewalk.

Schatz? Hey warum weinst du denn...oh..- Was-Was ist passiert Süße? = Sweetheart?  Hey, why are you crying? Oh... what- what happened, sweetie?

I-ich saß am Rand des Stadtbrunnens und wollte mich nur kurz ausruhen aber dann kamen diese K-kinder und haben mich ausgelacht und mich mit meinem Rantzen in das Wasser geschubst. M-meine Bücher... sind jetzt vollkommen nass....E-Es tut mir leid, Vater. = I-I sat on the edge of the fountain in the city/village, and just wanted to relax shortly but then these children came and laughed at me and pushed me with my backpack into the water. M-my books.. are completely wet... I-I'm sorry, father.

Sh,sh,sh,sh. Heyyyy, schau mich an, ok? Schau mir in die Augen. Es ist nicht deine Schuld, ich werde das mit der Schule regeln. Zur Not übernehme ich auch die Kosten. Aber das spielt jetzt keine Rolle. Du brauchst ein warmes Bad, du bist komplett durchgefrohren, meine Süße. = sh,sh,sh,sh heyyyy, look at me, ok? Look me in the eyes. It's not your fault, I'm gonna talk to your school about it. Incase I'm taking the costs. But that is not important right now. You need a warm bath, you're completely frozen through, my sweetie.

Kannst...Könntest du mir vielleicht gleich bei meinen Hausaufgaben helfen? = Can... Could you perhaps help me with my homework after this?

Aber lass uns erstmal dich schön warm kriegen, warm anziehen und dir was zu essen machen, ja? Du bist sicherlich krank... ich lass dich erstmal zuhause für 3-4 Tage und dann schauen wir mal weiter. = but let us get you first nice and warm, clothe you nice and warm and make you something to eat, ok? You're probably sick. I'm gonna let you stay home for 3-4 days and then we'll see further.

Weißt du... Manche Menschen mögen mich wirklich nicht. Und ich kann auch verstehen warum. Ich bin nicht immer der netteste und ich hab auch viele schlimme Sachen in meinem Leben getan, aber du, mein Schatz, bist das beste dass mir je passieren hätte können. Manchmal wünschte ich, ich könnte dich immer beschüzten aber ich weiß, dass das nicht geht, da du irgendwann dein eigenes Leben haben wirst, wenn du groß bist. Dann wirst du vielleicht ein Ehemann haben und schöne Kinder. Ich will nur das du weißt, dass ich dich vom tiefsten meines Herzens liebe und ich stolz auf dich bin. Auch wenn ich es nicht immer zeige.= You know... some people really don't like me. And I can understand why. I'm not always the nicest and I've done many terrible things in my life, but you, my sweetie, are the best thing that could've happened to me. Sometimes I wish, I could be always able to protect you but I know that I can't, since one day you'll be living your own life when you're grown up. Maybe you'll have a husband and some nice/pretty/ beautiful children. I just want you to know that I love you from the depth of my heart and that I'm proud of you... even if I don't always show that.

Sheeeesh so that took long, haha. Imma go to bed rn, maybe edit this later. It's 00:20 A.M rn, fuck me silly.

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