Hold on a moment |4|

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When Jimin got realised from the hospital. The doctor gave him a beeper in the form of a watch,
It will warning him when a heart will be ready for him.

this watch also recorded his heart rate and it sends a notification to Jin and Yoongi when something wrong happens.

It's been a month now and he still waiting for his transplant, but unfortunately during this time he does not have the right or the energy to do a lot of activities.

Today is a new training day.

And Jin tries to convince, once again, Jimin to stay peacefully in the dormitory.

J: come on, stay here to rest.

Jm: no hyungs I don't want to be sidelined even if I can't dance, let me watch you.

As always jimin wants to follow them and no one will be able to convince him otherwise.


Arrived at the parking lot of the studio,

they must climb the stairs that lead to the elevator for the studio's floors.

Before their take the stairs, it was a good way to warm up.

But to prevent Jimin from making too much effort, they now take the elevator.

Now just following the boys up those few steps asks a lot of her.

Taehyung puts his arm behind Jimin's back and helps him up the stairs, then keeps him close to him in the elevator.

Jimin hates having to depend on others.

But he appreciates that he doesn't have to ask, the members always know when he needs help.

Arriving at the studio, now part of their routine, Taehyung lays Jimin down on the sofa while yoongi and Jungkook bring him a pillow and blanket.

Jm: you wake me up once you finish the stretch.

Yoongi smiles at him.

Y: as always.

He rubs his head.

Y: go to sleep little angel.

The 6 are starting to stretch.

The second younger, unable to hold back his questioning, begins.

T: how much longer before he is his new heart. His condition worsens day by day

J: A month, a week, a day. We just have to be patient and continue to support him.

Jungkook starts to make a weird face as he gets lost in thought.

H: what are you thinking kook.

Jungkook starts hesitant, but decides to externalize his fears.

Jk: I ... ok. So I read that there are some people who after having been operated and well their ... maybe doesn't like the same things as before.

And if jimin doesn't like us afterwards and if he doesn't like to dance anymore...

A tear of worry flows without him being able to hold it back.

Hoseok takes him in his arms

H: it's about jimin we talk about, the stage is his life, he loves it too much, his whole body loves to dance, he loves us a lot, he loves you a lot. So he won't abandon us not today nor tomorrow.

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