Trapped |2|

845 26 7

Namjoon pov

The doctor comes out of Jimin's room, leaving us alone.

I wiped a tear off Jimin's cheek.

N: you're going to be okay. I swear I will learn everything from this. You will be alright and on your feet in no time. Okay?

Jimin blink to say yes

We agree with one blink for yes and 2 for no.

I can't imagine what it's like to be stuck in his own body. Not be able to live without machines. I feel horrible for him.

N : since when you hear us ?.

He didn't answer.

I just mentally slapped myself, I need to ask only closed questions.

N : I'm sorry, you heard us from the beginning ?

Jm : no

N : from before Jungkook's birthday ?

Jm : yes.

N : when we talked on the phone.

Jm : yes.

N : oh, I'm relieved, we look so stupid to speak to someone sleeping.

I smile but he doesn't, but in his eyes I see him laughing at me.

N : I should warn others.

Jm : yes.

N : I can call them to come here.

Jm: no.

I can see his eyes open more slowly. He must be exhausted from fighting against himself. I'm glad he did it today.

N : You're right, I will talk to them when I get back home. Jiminie I want to thank you before I let you get some rest.

I saw his confusion.

N : thanks for allowing me to see your eyes on my birthday, it's the best gift I could ask for. You are the strongest man I have ever met.

I continue to caress his hair, they need to get washed, but they remain soft.

N : I will stay by your side until you fall asleep. You tried so hard today. I'm so proud of you.

He looks at me intensely, I wonder what is going on.

N : You can sleep, one of us will be there tomorrow with you, I promise.

Jm : no

He forces himself to open his eyes, I can tell.

N : I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. You will open your eyes again, I'm sure of that. You did it today, you will be able to do it tomorrow.

Jm : no

N : It's what you're scared of ?

Jm : Yes

N : like I say. You can open your eyes every time you want, I promise. I can tell you are sleepy, so please stay, you need it. I will stay as long as you need it

I stroke his cheek and play with his hair, he closes his eyes, appreciating my tenderness. I stay like that for a moment.

When he was in deep sleep, I kissed his cheek. I thanked him again and got back to my car and rode to the dorm.

When I open the door, like every time someone gets back, Taehyung grips me to ask some questions.

I smile at him.

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