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"TELL ME WHY THIS GIRL ASKED ME IF SHE CAN PUT ONE OF MY PIECES ON LAYAWAY!"  Milan, Kori's Bestie/Partner In Crime exclaimed as she was currently laid out on the long and black tattoo chair

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"TELL ME WHY THIS GIRL ASKED ME IF SHE CAN PUT ONE OF MY PIECES ON LAYAWAY!Milan, Kori's Bestie/Partner In Crime exclaimed as she was currently laid out on the long and black tattoo chair. Kori shook her head as her hand held the tattoo machine. Her eyes watched the needle pierce into Milan's skin as she began shading in the interesting design Milan chose to put on her lower back.

Kori grabbed one of the wipes next to her, "Why would she even ask you that question?" She inquired, wiping the blood and excess ink away from the tattoo she was working on. The buzzing of the machine was almost inaudible as Amil's '4 Da Fam' played rather loudly in Kori's apartment.

"That's what I'm saying? I don't even have layaway as an option. I'm about to start slapping these bitches for asking me stupid questions. That was truly an insult to my hustle, especially when my prices are affordable." Milan expressed, wincing a little bit as she began to feel the soreness on her lower back.

"I wish someone would ask me to put a tattoo on layaway." Kori chuckled, shaking her head as she shaded in the finishing touches of the 'trampstamp'.

Milan laughed loudly. "Yo! That would be insane!" She said, her eyes looking over to the front door of Kori's apartment to keep her mind from the pain she was currently feeling.

"I honestly would laugh in their face.." Kori responded, pulling away from the tattoo as she looked at the finishing result. She was extremely satisfied with her work. Turning off the machine, she rested it down on the table next to her.

Milan sighed with relief as she felt the needles no longer poking her skin. "You're finished?" She asked, turning around to look at Kori who was currently taking off her gloves.

"Yup! You can stop acting like you don't feel shit now." Kori joked as she reached for the saniderm bandage to cover the tattoo.

Milan rolled her eyes. "Girl that shit did not hurt at all." She said, lying straight through her teeth.

"You don't need to front Milan.." Kori advised, opening the bandage package to put it over Milan's new tattoo.

Milan kissed her teeth. "I'm not frontin'! That shit was light, I barely felt anything." She lied again, her body moving a little bit as she felt Kori put the bandage over the sore tattoo.

"Whatever..." Kori mumbled as she carefully put the bandage over the tattoo. Her hand moved across the bandage a couple of times, making sure it was secure.

Kori's eyes swiftly looked up to the front door as she heard it open. She rolled her eyes as she noticed her older brother Jamaal enter the house, throwing the keys he had to the place in his pocket. "You finished her tattoo Riri?" He asked as he walked up to Milan, pecking her on the lips.

Kori sighed, backing her seat up as she threw away the wipe and plastic the bandage came inside of in the small garbage situated in front of her legs. "Yeah..." She trailed off, throwing her self back into the chair, rubbing her eyes.

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