Chapter 2

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All reki remembered was waking up in a love hotel with Langa. WAIT LANGA?!
Reki pov,
Yup his mom was pissed.
But it was nothing compared to what happend later.
The next few weeks Reki avoided Langa worried he would bring up the hotel,he was glad he allready had top surgery. But about 6 weeks later,he woke up getting sick and felt like vomiting all day and his stomach hurt. When it didn't stop(even got worse) he went to the hospital.
Well sir considering the fact your a trans male your in fact carrying a baby in you right now
Wha-what no,Reki shaked his head violently trying to deny it.
I'm sorry its your choice if you want to terminate the pregnancy.
NO I WONT ITS MY BABY I- I don't know,I'm only 17 years old.what am I going to do. *silence* 
You should tell the baby dad or your mom i can't help from here im sorry.
Later that night Reki lay in bed the hell am I going to tell mom,or Langa I'm ninety-nine percent its his. He looked down and rubbed his belly.
I'm a idiot he whispered.

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