Chapter 7

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A\N ill be doing two bonus chapters at the end+baby shower i have no inspiration right now for it)

Its was Reki's ninth month all though against Langa and his moms wishes he insisted that he be alone for one night. He wasn't due for five more weeks so whats the worse that can happen? The worse happend.
It hurt holy shit it hurt so bad. He didn't feel like his water broke by it hurt like bitch. Reki called Langa but he didn't answer. Langa was probably in a match,its just pre-contractions. Later he got a call from cherry. Cherry whats up? Reki I'm sorry. Cherry what happend. Cherrys voice was raspy and sounded like he is crying.  Cherry are you crying? Its my fault. Whats your fault GAH. At that same moment he felt water drip down his leg. Cherry I need you to take me to the hospital my water broke. I'm on my way Reki.


Wheres Langa? About t
Him...its my fault Cherry pitched in. I hit him its my fault. What? Reki, We where skating my board slipped and hit Langa knocking him off,off the cliff. Reki looked over and saw a bloody Langa with wires all over being rushed into an operating room. Reki your 10cm allready we have to get you to the delivery room to push.

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